Posted On: Nov 9, 2020

AWS DataSync now enables you to have more granular control over the portion of network bandwidth used to transfer your data. In addition to the existing capability allowing you to set a maximum network bandwidth limit per task, you can now increase or decrease this limit while the task is running. This enables you to minimize impact on other users or applications when a task spans multiple days.

AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS Storage services, as well as between AWS Storage services. With this launch, you can now increase the network bandwidth used by a task during off hours, and reduce it during the day when network bandwidth is shared with other workloads.

This new capability is available in 22 AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. You can learn more in the DataSync documentation, or log in to the AWS DataSync console to get started.