Posted On: Dec 15, 2020

Today, we are announcing AWS IoT SiteWise Edge (Preview), a new feature of AWS IoT SiteWise providing software that runs on-premises at industrial sites and makes it easy to collect, process, and monitor equipment data locally before sending the data to AWS Cloud destinations. SiteWise Edge is installed on local hardware such as third-party industrial gateways and computers, or on AWS Outposts and AWS Snow Family compute devices. 

AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and visualize data from industrial equipment at scale. Now with SiteWise Edge you can organize and process your equipment data in the SiteWise gateway on-premises using AWS IoT SiteWise asset models. You can then read the equipment data locally from the gateway using the same application programming interfaces (APIs) that you use with AWS IoT SiteWise in the cloud. For example, you can compute metrics such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) locally for use in a production line monitoring dashboard on the factory floor. By processing data on-premises, you can reduce latency for local applications and ensure business continuity even if Internet connectivity is disrupted. For example, a local alarm application that relies on data collected by SiteWise Edge can continue to detect and respond to changes in equipment status. You can also choose to send only processed data to the cloud to optimize bandwidth usage, such as applying deadbanding to only report changes in measurements or applying filters to only send measurements that exceed a threshold. 

SiteWise Edge now supports three common industrial protocols such as OPC-UA, Modbus, and EtherNet/IP to securely connect and read sensor data from historian databases or directly from equipment. Once data is collected, you can filter, transform, and aggregate the data locally using asset models defined in the cloud, or run AWS Lambda functions locally on the gateway to customize how the data is processed. You can keep sensitive data on-premises to comply with data residency requirements, and you can send data to AWS IoT SiteWise or other AWS services in the cloud such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Timestream, for long term storage and further analysis. With SiteWise Edge, you can also deploy SiteWise Monitor web applications locally so users like process engineers can visualize equipment data in near real time on the factory floor, without relying on cloud connectivity, and use this information to improve uptime of equipment, reduce waste, and increase production output.

SiteWise Edge is available in regions of US East (N. Virginia), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt) and US West (Oregon). For a full list of AWS Regions where AWS IoT SiteWise is available visit the AWS region table. To get started with SiteWise Edge, see our blog or the user guide. To learn more, please visit the AWS IoT SiteWise website.