Posted On: Dec 16, 2020

The AWS Well-Architected Tool now offers APIs that allow customers and APN partners to extend AWS Well-Architected functionality, best practices, measurements, and learnings into their existing architecture governance processes, applications, and workflows.  

With the introduction of APIs for the AWS Well-Architected Tool (AWS WA Tool), customers can now build their own integrations to support a broad range of use cases, including the ability to integrate AWS WA Tool data into centralized reporting tools, and integrate identified risks with ticketing and program management systems. The API also enables automation of best practice detection. APN partners can incorporate AWS Well-Architected into their own tools, and engage on integration projects with enterprises.  

By using the AWS Well-Architected Tool API, companies can effectively govern workloads across many AWS accounts, always stay up to date on the latest best practices, and scale AWS Well-Architected principles across their teams and systems.  

The AWS WA Tool APIs are available to customers at no additional charge and are offered in all Regions where the tool is available: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (N. California, Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, Stockholm), South America (Sao Paulo), Asia Pacific (Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Mumbai, Hong Kong), and Middle East (Bahrain).  

To learn more about the AWS Well-Architected Tool APIs, visit the AWS WA Tool Documentation and Product Page. To learn more about how to engage an AWS Well-Architected Partner Program member visit the Program Page.