Posted On: Oct 22, 2021

AWS Audit Manager now offers custom framework sharing so you have a secure and easy way to share custom frameworks across AWS accounts and regions. This enables instant access of your custom frameworks across multiple AWS accounts, without the need to manually copy or move underlying custom controls. Custom framework sharing provides quick access to the shared framework so that your users always see the most up-to-date and consistent information as it is provided by you. You can use the custom framework sharing feature on your AWS Audit Manager account at no additional cost.

If you are an Audit Manager consulting partner, the custom framework sharing feature allows rapid scaling of your audit practice as you work closely with your customers to build custom controls and frameworks that meet customer’s specific needs. With this feature, you can avoid the complexity and delays that are often associated with version management and manual data transfer. If you are a business user, custom framework sharing enables seamless collaboration across diverse business groups in an organization. This can make handling cross-region audits and providing guidance to audit consultants easier.

You can accept shared custom frameworks and start assessments from them as-is, or they can customize the frameworks further. Custom framework sharing is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Audit Manager is available, specifically: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland) and Europe (London). 

Learn more about the AWS Audit Manager custom framework sharing capability in the Audit Manager feature page and refer to our documentation. Get started today by visiting the AWS Audit Manager Console, AWS Command Line Interface, or APIs.