Posted On: Feb 24, 2022

AWS Glue DataBrew customers are now able to choose single or multiple output files instead of autogenerated files for their recipe jobs in DataBrew. Customers can generate a single output file when the output is small or downstream systems need to consume it more easily such as visualization tools. In some cases, customers want to customize the output file partitions for efficient storage and transfer.  

Customers can simply select the single output file option or specify a number for their output files when configuring a recipe job in DataBrew. This gives customers the flexibility to manage recipe job outputs for visualization, data analysis and reporting while helping prevent customers from generating too many files.

This feature is available in most public AWS Regions and AWS GovCloud (US-West). See where AWS Glue DataBrew is available by using the AWS Region Table. AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that makes it easy to clean and normalize data using over 350 pre-built transformations, all without the need to write any code. You can automate filtering anomalies, converting data to standard formats, correcting invalid values, and other tasks.

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