Posted On: Feb 23, 2022

Today, AWS Transfer Family is pleased to announce enhancements to the managed workflows capability, which can save you even more time in automating file processing steps such as moving and renaming files, retaining source files for archival, dynamically routing files to user-specific folders, and deploying and monitoring workflows using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CloudWatch metrics.

Starting today, you can configure your workflow steps to process either the originally uploaded file or the output file from the previous workflow step, enabling you to more easily automate moving and renaming of your files with just a few clicks. You can now make multiple copies of a file and archive the original source file for records retention. For example, you can set up a single workflow to scan incoming files for malware, move files to different locations based on the scan outcome, and retain the original file for archival.

You can now utilize username as a variable in workflows copy steps, enabling you to dynamically route files to user-specific folders in Amazon S3. This removes the need to hardcode destination folder location when copying files and automates creation of user-specific folders in Amazon S3, allowing you to scale your file automation workflows. 

Additionally, you can now use AWS CloudFormation to pre-configure and deploy managed workflows in a standardized and repeatable way across multiple regions and accounts. For better visibility into workflow executions, you now have access to AWS CloudWatch metrics such as the total number of executions, successful executions, and failed executions, in addition to existing AWS CloudWatch logging.

Support for these new features is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Transfer Family is available. To learn more and get started with these new features in your AWS account, visit the managed workflows documentation, or read this blog post.