Posted On: Oct 27, 2022

Amazon Redshift introduces a new way to work on multiple SQL queries by organizing them into a single Notebook with documentation, visualization, and collaboration capabilities. The new SQL Notebook interface available in Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 allows users such as data analysts and data scientists to run data analytics more efficiently by keeping relevant queries and the information together for ease of use.

Data users engaging in advanced analytics work on multiple queries at a time to perform various tasks for their data analysis. Query Editor V2 helps you organize related queries by saving them together in a folder, or combining them into a single saved query with multiple statements. SQL Notebooks support provides an alternative way to embed the queries required for a complete data analysis in a single document using SQL cells. You can effortlessly visualize the query results. You can share your SQL Notebooks with team members and use Markdown cells to provide documentation on your queries to ease the learning curve for others to work on even on the most complicated data analysis tasks. You can use the built-in feature "version history" to track changes in your SQL and Markdown cells. Using the export and import capabilities, you can effortlessly move your SQL Notebooks across AWS accounts and regions when required.

SQL Notebooks feature in Amazon Redshift Query Editor v2 is now generally available in all commercial regions. To learn more, see the documentation or watch this demo and blog.