AWS Compute Blog

Powering Mobile Backend Services with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway

Daniel Austin
Solutions Architect

Asif Khan
Solutions Architect

Have you ever wanted to create a mobile REST API quickly and easily to make database calls and manipulate data sources? The Node.js and Amazon DynamoDB tutorial shows how to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) easily on DynamoDB tables using Node.js.

In this post, I extend that concept by adding a REST API that calls an AWS Lambda function from Amazon API Gateway. The API allows you to perform the same operations on DynamoDB, from any HTTP-enabled device, such as a browser or mobile phone. The client device doesn’t need to load any libraries, and with serverless architecture and API Gateway, you don’t need to maintain any servers at all!


In this post, I show you how to write a Lambda function so that it can handle all of the API calls in a single code function, and then add a RESTful API on top of it. API Gateway tells you what function was called.

The problem to solve: how to use API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and DynamoDB to simplify DynamoDB access? Our approach involves using a single Lambda function to provide a CRUD façade on DynamoDB. This required solving two additional problems:

  1. Sending the date from API Gateway about which API method was called, along with POST information about the DynamoDB operations. This is solved by using a generic mapping template for each API call, sending all HTTP data to the Lambda function in a standard JSON format, including the path of the API call, i.e., ‘/movies/add-movie’.

  2. Providing a generic means in Node.js to use multiple function calls and properly use callbacks to send the function results back to the API, again in a standard JSON format. This required writing a generic callback mechanism (a very simple one) that is invoked by each function, and gathers the data for the response.

This is a very cool and easy way to implement basic DynamoDB functions to HTTP(S) calls from API Gateway. It works from any browser or mobile device that understands HTTP.

Mobile developers can write backend code in Java, Node.js, or Python and deploy on Lambda.

In this post, I continue the demonstration with a sample mobile movies database backend, written in Node.js, using DynamoDB. The API is hosted on API Gateway.

Optionally, you can use AWS Mobile Hub to develop and test the mobile client app.

The steps to deploy a mobile backend in Lambda are:

  1. Set up IAM users and roles to allow access to Lambda and DynamoDB.
  2. Download the sample application and edit to include your configuration.
  3. Create a table in DynamoDB using the console or the AWS CLI.Create a new Lambda function and upload the sample app.
  4. Create endpoints in API Gateway
  5. Test the API and Lambda function.

Set up IAM roles to allow access to Lambda and DynamoDB

To set up your API, you need an IAM user and role that has permissions to access DynamoDB and Lambda.

In the IAM console, choose Roles , Create role. Choose AWS Lambda from the list of service roles, then choose AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess and attach another policy, AWSLambdaFullAccess. You need to add this role to an IAM user: you can create a new user for this role, or use an existing one.

Download the sample application and edit to include your configuration

Now download the sample application and edit its configuration file.

The archive can be downloaded from GitHub:

git clone

After you download the archive, unzip it to an easily-found location and look for the file app_config.json. This file contains set up information for your Lambda function. Edit the file to include your access key ID and secret access key. If you created a new user in step 1, use those credentials. You also need to add your AWS region to the file – this is the region where you will create the DynamoDB table.

Create a table in DynamoDB using the console or the AWS CLI.

To create a table in DynamoDB, use the instructions in the Node.js and DynamoDB tutorial, in the Amazon DynamoDB Getting Started Guide. Next, run the file createMoviesTable.js from the downloaded code in the previous step. You could also use the AWS CLI with this input:

aws DynamoDB create-table  --cli-input-json file://movies-table.json  --region us-west-2  --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5

The file movies-table.json is in the code archive linked below. If you use the CLI, then the user must have sufficient permissions.

IMPORTANT : The table must be created before completing the rest of the walkthrough.

Create a new Lambda function and upload the sample app.

It can be a little tricky creating the archive for the Lambda function. Make sure you are not zipping the folder, but its contents. This is important; it should look like the following:

This creates a file called “”, which is the file to be uploaded to Lambda.

In the Lambda console, choose Create a Lambda function and skip the Blueprints and Configure triggers sections. In the Configure function section, for Name , enter ‘movies-db’. For Runtime , choose ‘Node.js4.3’. For Code entry type, choose ‘Upload a zip file’. Choose Upload and select the archive file that you created in the previous step. For Handler , choose ‘movies-dynamodb.handler’, which is the name of the JavaScript function inside the archive that will be called via Lambda from API Gateway. For Role , choose Choose an existing role and select the role that you created in the first step.

You can leave the other options unchanged and then review and create your Lambda function. You can test the function using the following bit of JSON (this mimics the data that will be sent to the Lambda function from API Gateway):

  "method": "POST",
  "body" : { "title": "Godzilla vs. Dynamo", "year": "2016", "info": "New from Acme Films, starring John Smith."},
  "headers": {
  "queryParams": {
  "pathParams": {
  "resourcePath": "/add-movie"

Create endpoints in API Gateway

Now, you create five API methods in API Gateway. First, navigate to the API Gateway console and choose Create API , New API. Give the API a name, such as ‘MoviesDP-API’.

In API Gateway, you first create resources and then the methods associated with those resources. The steps for each API call are basically the same:

  1. Create the resource (/movies or /movies/add-movie).
  2. Create a method for the resource – GET for /movies, POST for all others
  3. Choose Integration request , Lambda and select the node-movies Lambda function created earlier. All the API calls use the same Lambda function.
  4. Under Integration request , choose Body mapping templates , create a new template with type application/json , and copy the template file shown below into the form input.
  5. Choose Save.

Use these steps for the following API resources and methods:

  • /movies – lists all movies in the DynamoDB table
  • /movies/add-movie – add an item to DynamoDB
  • /movies/delete-movie – deletes a movie from DynamoDB
  • /movies/findbytitleandyear – finds a movie with a specific title and year
  • /movies/update-movie – modifies and existing movie item in DynamoDB

This body mapping template is a standard JSON template for passing information from API Gateway to Lambda. It provides the calling Lambda function with all of the HTTP input data – including any path variables, query strings, and most importantly for this purpose, the resourcePath variable, which contains the information from API Gateway about which function was called.

Here’s the template:

  "method": "$context.httpMethod",
  "body" : $input.json('$'),
  "headers": {
    #foreach($param in $input.params().header.keySet())
    "$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
  "queryParams": {
    #foreach($param in $input.params().querystring.keySet())
    "$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().querystring.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
  "pathParams": {
    #foreach($param in $input.params().path.keySet())
    "$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().path.get($param))" #if($foreach.hasNext),#end
  "resourcePath": "$context.resourcePath"

Notice the last line where the API Gateway variable $context.resourcePath is sent to the Lambda function as the JSON value of a field called (appropriately enough) resourcePath. This value is used by the Lambda function to perform the required action on the DynamoDB table.

(I originally found this template online, and modified it to add variables like resourcePath. Thanks to Kenn Brodhagen!)

As you create each API method, copy the requestTemplate.vel file from the original code archive and paste it into the Body mapping template field, using application/json as the type. Do this for each API call (using the same file). The file is the same one shown above, but it’s easier to copy the file than cut and paste from a web page!

After the five API calls are created, you are almost done. You need to test your API, and then deploy it before it can be used from the public web.

Test your API and Lambda function

To test the API, add a movie to the DB. The API Gateway calls expect a JSON payload that is sent via POST to your Lambda function. Here’s an example, it’s the same one used above to test the Lambda function:

{ "title": "Love and Friendship", "year": "2016", "info": "New from Amazon Studios, starring Kate Beckinsale."}

To add this movie to your DB, test the /movies/add-movie method, as shown here:

Check logs on the test page of your Lambda function and in API Gateway



In this post, I demonstrated a quick way to get started on AWS Lambda for your mobile backend. You uploaded a movie database app which performed CRUD operations on a movies DB table in DynamoDB. The API was hosted on API Gateway for scale and manageability. With the above deployment, you can focus on building your API and mobile clients with serverless architecture. You can reuse the mapping template in future API Gateway projects.

Interested in reading more? See Access Resources in a VPC from Your Lambda Functions and

AWS Mobile Hub – Build, Test, and Monitor Mobile Applications.

If you have questions or suggestions, please comment below.