AWS Developer Tools Blog
DynamoDB JSON and Array Marshaling for PHP
Back in October of 2014, Amazon DynamoDB added support for new data types, including the map (M
) and list (L
) types. These new types, along with some API updates, make it possible to store more complex, multilevel data, and use DynamoDB for document storage.
The DynamoDB Marshaler
To make these new types even easier for our PHP SDK users, we added a new class, called the DynamoDB Marshaler, in Version 2.7.7 of the AWS SDK for PHP. The Marshaler object has methods for marshaling JSON documents and PHP arrays to the DynamoDB item format and unmarshaling them back.
Marshaling a JSON Document
Let’s say you have JSON document describing a contact in the following format:
{ "id": "5432c69300594", "name": { "first": "Jeremy", "middle": "C", "last": "Lindblom" }, "age": 30, "phone_numbers": [ { "type": "mobile", "number": "5555555555", "preferred": true }, { "type": "home", "number": "5555555556", "preferred": false } ] }
You can use the DynamoDB Marshaler to convert this JSON document into the format required by DynamoDB.
use AwsDynamoDbDynamoDbClient; use AwsDynamoDbMarshaler; $client = DynamoDbClient::factory(/* your config */); $marshaler = new Marshaler(); $json = file_get_contents('/path/to/your/document.json'); $client->putItem([ 'TableName' => 'YourTable', 'Item' => $marshaler->marshalJson($json) ]);
The output of marshalJson()
is an associative array that includes all the type information required for the DynamoDB 'Item'
[ 'id' => ['S' => '5432c69300594'], 'name' => ['M' => [ 'first' => ['S' => 'Jeremy'], 'middle' => ['S' => 'C'], 'last' => ['S' => 'Lindblom'], ]], 'age' => ['N' => '30'], 'phone_numbers' => ['L' => [ ['M' => [ 'type' => ['S' => 'mobile'], 'number' => ['S' => '5555555555'] ]], ['M' => [ 'type' => ['S' => 'home'], 'number' => ['S' => '5555555556'] ]], ]], ];
To retrieve an item and get the JSON document back, you need to use the unmarshalJson()
$result = $client->getItem([ 'TableName' => 'YourTable', 'Key' => ['id' => ['S' => '5432c69300594']] ]); $json = $marshaler->unmarshalJson($result['Item']);
Marshaling a Native PHP Array
The Marshaler
also provides the marshalItem()
and unmarshalItem()
methods that do the same type of thing, but for arrays. This is essentially an upgraded version of the existing DynamoDbClient::formatAttributes()
$data = [ 'id' => '5432c69300594', 'name' => [ 'first' => 'Jeremy', 'middle' => 'C', 'last' => 'Lindblom', ], 'age' => 30, 'phone_numbers' => [ [ 'type' => 'mobile', 'number' => '5555555555', 'preferred' => true ], [ 'type' => 'home', 'number' => '5555555556', 'preferred' => false ], ], ]; // Marshaling the data and putting an item. $client->putItem([ 'TableName' => 'YourTable', 'Item' => $marshaler->marshalItem($data) ]); // Getting and item and unmarshaling the data. $result = $client->getItem([ 'TableName' => 'YourTable', 'Key' => ['id' => ['S' => '5432c69300594']] ]); $data = $marshaler->unmarshalItem($result['Item']);
Be aware that marshalItem()
does not support binary (B
) and set (SS
, NS
, and BS
) types. This is because they are ambiguous with the string (S
) and list (L
) types and have no equivalent type in JSON. We are working on some ideas that will provide more help with these types in Version 3 of the SDK.
Deprecations in the SDK
The new data types are a great addition to the Amazon DynamoDB service, but one consequence of adding support for these types is that we had to deprecate the following classes and methods in the AwsDynamoDb
namespace of the PHP SDK:
These classes and methods made assumptions about how certain native PHP types convert to DynamoDB types. The addition of the new types to DynamoDB invalidated those assumptions, and we could not update the code in a backward-compatible way to support the new types. They still work fine, but just not with the new types. These classes and methods are removed in Version 3 of the SDK, and the DynamoDB Marshaler object is meant to be the replacement for their functionality.
We hope that this addition to the SDK makes working with DynamoDB really easy. If you have any feedback about the Marshaler or any ideas on how we can improve it, please let us know on GitHub. Better yet, send us a pull request. :-)