AWS Developer Tools Blog

Release of the AWS SDK V2.0 for .NET

Today, we updated our version 2 preview of the AWS SDK for .NET. You can download version of the SDK here. This preview contains the following updates.

  • The SDK now requires the region to be explicitly specified through the client constructor or by using the AWSRegion setting in the application’s app or web config file. Prior versions of the SDK implicitly defaulted to us-east-1 if the region was not set. Here is an example of setting a region in the app config file so applications that are not explicitly setting a region can take this update without making any code changes.

        <add key="AWSRegion" value="us-east-1"/>
  • The Amazon DynamoDB high-level APIs Document Model and Object Persistence Model were added to the Windows Store and Windows Phone 8 version of the AWS SDK for .NET. For those of you coming to the AWS re:Invent conference next month, you can see our session where we’ll discuss using these APIs with version 2 of the SDK.
  • All the service clients have been updated to match the latest changes for each service.


We’ve received some great feedback on our preview and have made changes based on that feedback. We are hoping to GA version 2 of the SDK soon, but it is not too late to send us your thoughts.