Front-End Web & Mobile

NEW Amplify Flutter Release Notes 0.5.0

The Amplify Flutter team is announcing the release of version 0.5.0 of the Amplify Flutter library. Please use this Github repo to inform the Amplify Flutter team about features or issues, or visit the Amplify Discord server under the #flutter-help channel.


Below is a high level breakdown of the features we are announcing with Amplify Flutter version 0.5.0

Auth enhancements

  • Previously, the Amplify.Auth.deleteUser API would throw UnimplementedException when it was called on Android platform. With this release, this API becomes functional and will delete currently signed in user on Android platform.
try {
  await Amplify.Auth.deleteUser();
  print('Delete user succeeded');
} on Exception catch (e) {
  print('Delete user failed with error: $e');
  • Custom Auth flows are now available with password-less logins. To support this change, the password attribute is now optional in the Auth.signIn API. While this should not prove breaking in most cases, we are calling it out since it alters a very commonly used API. To learn more about how to setup custom authentication visit our documentation page.

Datastore enhancements

  • Added support for multi-auth schemas, allowing developers to benefit from multiple authorization rules added to their GraphQL schemas and fields. To learn more about Datastore multi-auth, visit our documentation page.
  • Added support for custom conflict handlers. This allows developers to define custom logic for handling conflicts between local storage and the backend data while using Datastore. To learn more about this feature visit our documentation page.
  • Support lists for .contains query predicate in observeQuery (#1233).
  • Fixing unexpected exception when using default query pagination values in Android (#1533).

Core enhancements

  • Added fixes for supporting Flutter 3/Dart 2.17.

Escape Hatch

As an alternative to the Amplify client libraries, or in situations where the libraries do not provide the functionality you require, the underlying AWS services can be communicated with directly using an HTTP client and the AWS Signature V4 (SigV4) package. To learn more about the AWS SigV4 package, visit our documentation page.

In conclusion

We would love to have your feedback on this release and understand how we can help accelerate your productivity. Reach out to us our GitHub repository, or through the Amplify Discord server under the #flutter-help channel to help us prioritize features and enhancements.

Get started with building Flutter apps with Amplify please visit the Amplify Flutter.

Abdallah Shaban

Abdallah Shaban is a Senior Product Manager at AWS Amplify, helping Javascript and Flutter developers create apps that delight their users. When not working, Abdallah tries to keep himself updated on the newest innovations in tech, playing his guitar, and traveling.

Ashish Nanda

Ashish Nanda is a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead at AWS Amplify. He leads design and engineering on the JavaScript and Flutter open source SDK teams with the goal of helping developers build full-stack web and mobile applications quickly & seamlessly using cloud services.