Front-End Web & Mobile

The AWS re:Invent 2020 Guide to Front-end Web and Mobile Sessions

This year AWS re:Invent is going virtual with 3 weeks of keynotes, sessions, and workshops from November 30 to December 18, 2020. Not only is it going virtual, it’s free for anyone to attend!

The AWS Front-end Web and Mobile team will be presenting sessions throughout the event teaching and discussing how to build full stack cloud apps with AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync. We’ve again recruited our highest-rated speakers and engineers to deliver great content for web developers, mobile developers and architects. And of course, we will be announcing new capabilities and customer-requested features for our framework, libraries, and services.

Registration for the event is open. We’ll have sessions on a variety of different topics.

Launch news and live Q&A

Join us to find out more about our latest Amplify launch news – we’ll hold two sessions with Rene Brandel, Senior Product Manager and Ali Spittel, Senior Developer Advocate.

Thursday, December 3

10-11 am PST / 1-2pm EST / 6-7pm GMT

Friday, December 4

1-3pm PST / 4-6pm EST / 9-11pm GMT

⚡️ Accelerate that app with AWS Amplify open-source framework

Wednesday, Dec 2nd 3:30-4pm PST

Join this session to understand how you can accelerate your application development with AWS Amplify’s open-source framework that offers libraries and UI components so developers can easily add cloud-powered functionality to their applications. Speaker: Nader Dabit, Senior Developer Advocate.

⚡️ Empower front-end web and mobile app development with AWS Amplify

Tuesday, Dec 8th 10:30-11am PST

Companies that follow the fast-changing trends of web and mobile application development deliver superior customer experiences. This session reviews these trends and discusses how to deliver innovative applications faster using AWS Amplify for development, AWS Device Farm for application testing, and AWS Amplify Console for deployment and hosting. Speaker: Mohit Srivastava, Senior Manager Product Management.

⚡️ Power modern serverless applications with GraphQL and AWS AppSync

Wednesday, Dec 9th 12:00-12:30pm PST

Learn how GraphQL and AWS AppSync can help you implement powerful, secure, highly available, flexible, resilient, and scalable backends for all types of applications with increased development velocity. Ed Lima, Senior Product Manager.

⚡️ Build iOS & Android mobile apps in record time with Flutter and AWS Amplify

Wednesday, Dec 9th 2:45-3:15pm PST

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single code base. Harness the speed and performance of building with Flutter and seamlessly connect to a cloud backend. In this session, learn how to build Flutter apps with AWS Amplify’s deeply integrated programming libraries and easy-to-use CLI. Speaker: Michael Labieniec, Senior Manager Software Development.

⚡️ Speed up your release cycle: Build a web app from idea to MVP with AWS Amplify

Thursday, Dec 10th 11:30-12:00pm PST

Modern web applications provide delightful customer experiences with native-like interactivity and performance using serverless single page applications (SPA) or static websites. This session shows how to bring applications to customers faster and quicker with AWS Amplify Console hosting, simplifying deployment of the front-end and backend in a single workflow with a fully managed experience across the development lifecycle. Speaker: Nikhil Swaminathan, Principal Product Manager.

⚡️ Model and access application data more efficiently with AWS Amplify

Tuesday, Dec 15th 10-10:30am PST

In this session, learn how to create advanced data access patterns with Amplify’s GraphQL transform library, powered by AWS AppSync and Amazon DynamoDB. Speaker: Steve Johnson, Tech Leader, Solution Architect.

⚡️ Best Practices to securely operate GraphQL at scale with AWS AppSync

Wednesday, Dec 16th 11-11:30am PST

In this session, see options for creating and managing security rules with services like AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), controlling data access and authorization with services like Amazon Cognito and Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM), and leveraging infrastructure-as-code tools to deploy and manage GraphQL APIs. Speaker: Brice Pelle, Principal Solution Architect.

⚡️ Unify access to siloed data with AWS AppSync GraphQL resolvers

Thursday, Dec 17th 3:00-3:30pm PST

AWS AppSync provides a rich set of GraphQL resolver mapping templates and utilities that make it easy to query, update, and subscribe to changes to data in Amazon services like Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, or Amazon ES, and any other data sources via AWS Lambda or Amazon API Gateway. Speaker: Nader Dabit, Senior Developer Advocate.

⚡️ Modern APIs for real-time web and mobile applications

On demand and in Italian

In this session, learn how to face modern API design challenges with GraphQL and how to use AWS AppSync, a managed GraphQL service on AWS. This session evaluates multiple scenarios and, in particular, dives into how Sky Italy is using AWS AppSync to provide sport-related data and real-time updates to their web application. Speaker: Stefano Sandrini, Senior Solution Architect.

⚡️ AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync live chat sessions

Join AWS Amplify and AWS AppSync presenters and the team on Twitch to learn more about recent sessions, hear announcements, and get live answers to your questions.

Wednesday, December  9

1-2pm PST / 4-5pm EST / 9-10pm GMT

Thursday,  December 10

3-4pm PST / 6-7pm EST / 11-12am GMT

Wednesday,  December 16  

1-2pm PST / 4-5pm EST / 9-10pm GMT

Friday, December 18

1-2pm PST / 4-5pm EST / 9-10pm GMT

All live on