Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Category: AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS)

Hybrid Active Directory: Disaster recovery, cyber resiliency, and high availability solutions on AWS

In this blog post, we will present comprehensive strategies and techniques to strengthen disaster recovery and bolster cyber resilience in hybrid Microsoft Active Directory (AD) environments running in the AWS Cloud by leveraging AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) , AWS Backup, and solutions for extending AD onto Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. […]

JetSweep: Helping customers build a business continuity strategy for Microsoft workloads with Disaster Recovery as a Service

“With the current geopolitical climate, it’s tough out there, and risks that impact continuity of operations are widespread. Ransomware, supply chain issues, cyberhacking, natural disasters, and human mistakes are just a few of the challenges organizations are facing.” This is what Brian MacDonald, a vice president at JetSweep, shared with me in a recent conversation […]

How to set up high availability for SQL Server at DR site that was restored using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

In an earlier post, I talked about how to set up a disaster recovery (DR) solution for SQL Server Always On availability groups (AG) deployed on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) platform to another AWS Region. In this follow-on post, I will show you how to set up High Availability (HA) for SQL Server […]

How to set up disaster recovery for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Traditional disaster recovery methods for Microsoft SQL Server require duplication of infrastructure, operating systems, licensing and other third-party applications, rendering it a highly expensive IT project – even prohibitively expensive for some organizations. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) provides organizations with a more modern approach to protecting Microsoft SQL Server environments: cloud-based disaster recovery […]