AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Puppet Enterprise

How to setup and use AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate or Puppet Enterprise in an isolated subnet

Introduction For enhanced security, it’s often preferable to place resources in AWS within a subnet with no internet access. Recently, AWS expanded the number of services supported by interface VPC endpoints within the AWS ecosystem, so it’s now easier than ever to run AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate or AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise within […]

How to automate Puppet manifest testing and delivery in AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise

Organizations that use AWS OpsWorks Puppet Enterprise can use AWS services that manage, test, and deploy code to create a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) infrastructure. In this blog post, we will show how you can use AWS CloudFormation,  Amazon S3, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS Systems Manager, and AWS CodePipeline to set up […]

2017 Year in Review: AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate and Puppet Enterprise

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate and AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise provide fully managed Chef and Puppet servers with a suite of automation tools for infrastructure and application management. Enterprise customers rely on OpsWorks for easy configuration management and secure maintenance as the service automatically patches, updates, and backs up servers. This blog post gives […]

AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise and an alternate implementation for policy based auto signing

AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise was released in November of 2017. It has a secure API (associate node) that provides a secure, convenient, and AWS-integrated method to sign certificates for clients of OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise. This secure API is ideal for use within a user data script when being used for AWS CloudFormation (which […]

How to Manage Credentials in AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise using Hiera-eyaml

For customers new to configuration management with AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise (OWPE), a frequently-asked question is “How do I store sensitive data, such as database passwords, for use in my manifests?” Hiera allows you to manage and access data from various backends (data storage locations). By default, Hiera 5 supports YAML, JSON, and HOCON […]