Networking & Content Delivery

Category: AWS CodeBuild

Running recovery-oriented applications with Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, AWS CI/CD tools, and Terraform

Introduction AWS customers in different industries have applications that require extremely high availability that run across several AWS Regions so that they can meet latency and business continuity requirements. Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC) supports high availability by allowing customers to continuously audit the recovery readiness of their applications and centrally […]

Moving towards DevOps CI/CD approach to configure and manage AWS networking resources

Introduction Organizations are moving from traditional monolithic data center networks to an agile application programming interface (API) driven cloud network. As a result, customers are looking for an efficient and reliable way to make changes to their cloud network infrastructure. They want to adopt a pipeline driven approach to make any network changes following DevOps […]

Managing Lambda@Edge and CloudFront deployments by using a CI/CD pipeline

As promised in my previous post of this series about Lambda@Edge, in this new blog post I’m sharing some best practices for managing a Lambda@Edge application. So how do you roll out code or configuration changes to a Lambda@Edge function and Amazon CloudFront distribution in a safe and controlled way? Over time, as your application evolves, you’ll […]