
客户案例 / 汽车行业 / 德国

2023 年

宝马第 9 代操作系统背后的 AWS 架构:云如何支持最新的定制车载连接

“我们希望这个项目实现真正的创新。超越硬件开发......我们说过,希望让人们可以轻松使用这项技术,尤其是宝马第 9 代操作系统。因此,我们决定使用云技术。”

Philipp-Peter Altmann

宝马集团最新的操作系统——第 9 代操作系统——带来了全新的互联和个性化车载体验。但宝马驾驶者眼前简便的个性化界面背后,究竟融蕴了什么技术? 要揭晓这个答案,AWS 全球软件定义汽车技术主管 Stefano Marzani 与宝马集团互联汽车平台架构师 Philipp-Peter Altmann 以及 AWS 首席解决方案架构师 Christian Mueller 进行了交谈。在此,他们探讨了支持第 9 代操作系统的 AWS 架构,以及协助开发人员保障流畅客户体验的便捷网页浏览器访问方式。


Showing results: 5-8
Total results: 13


  • Germany

    How BMW Group uses AWS serverless analytics for a data-driven ecosystem

    Data drives BMW’s personalized customer experiences, connected mobility solutions, and analytical insights. This session walks through the journey of building BMW Group’s Cloud Data Hub. BMW Group’s technical lead, Simon Kern, dives deep into how the company is leveraging AWS serverless capabilities for delivering ETL functions on big data in a modularized, accessible, and repeatable fashion and provides insight into the next steps of the journey. The services used in BMW Group’s AWS architecture are discussed, including AWS Glue, Amazon Athena, Amazon SageMaker, and more.
  • Germany

    BMW Group Uses AWS-Based Data Lake to Unlock the Power of Data

    BMW Group uses AWS to process 10 TB of data daily from 1.2 million vehicles, create a voice-activated personal in-vehicle assistant, and derive real-time insights from vehicle and customer telemetry data. The organization, based in Germany, is a leading manufacturer of premium automobiles and motorcycles. BMW Group runs its Cloud Data Hub on AWS, using Amazon SageMaker to train models for predictive analysis.
  • United States

    BMW Group Uses Amazon SageMaker for Sustainable Mobility

    In this AWS re:Invent 2022 video, Marco Görgmaier, general manager “Data transformation & Artificial intelligence” at BMW Group, discusses how the company uses Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities to deliver sustainable mobility solutions around the globe.

  • Germany

    Bosch and BMW: The next generation of vehicle technologies

    learn how Bosch and BMW use vehicle data to accelerate innovation by processing data inside the vehicle and in the cloud.
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