
2022 年

西门子将其软件与 AWS Cloud 功能相结合,助力推动“第四次工业革命”

西门子在适用于工业、基础设施和医疗保健的软件和自动化领域是全球领导者。在全球 25 家最大的汽车制造商中,有 24 家使用西门子软件,《财富》500 强公司中,有 92% 的公司也在使用西门子软件。 

在这段视频中,Siemens Digital Industries 首席执行官(CEO)Cedrik Neike 详细介绍了西门子如何与 Amazon Web Services(AWS)合作,助力推动“第四次工业革命”。 首先,西门子通过将其现有的工业软件迁移并转换为 AWS 所提供的软件即服务(SaaS),普及了其工业软件,惠及了各种规模的客户。其次,该公司使用物联网(IoT)和数据分析领域的 AWS 服务来合并其客户的 IT 和运营技术(OT)数据,从而加速数字化转型。通过将边缘连接到云的接口,这样便打通了以前无法获取的数据。第三,该公司正在开发低代码/无代码软件,例如 Mendix on AWS,让非开发人员更轻松地构建工业应用程序,将开发速度提升高达 10 倍。 


我们希望确保,下一次工业革命在环境上是可持续的,也是对社会负责的。我们需要努力做到推广好创意。那么,我们要做到这点需要付诸哪些行动呢? 西门子和 AWS 已经在研究这个问题了。”

Cedrik Neike
Siemens Digital Industries 首席执行官

使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon DynamoDB

快速、灵活的 NoSQL 数据库服务,可在任何规模下实现个位数毫秒级的性能

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Amazon Rekognition


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AWS Lambda


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探索西门子利用 AWS 开启的创新之旅


Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 25


  • United Kingdom

    Matillion Case Study

    Matillion is able to process data up to 100 times faster than traditional ETL/ELT tools by using Amazon Redshift. Matillion is a cloud analytics software vendor based in London.
  • United States

    Siemens Case Study - AWS Support

    Siemens is an industrial manufacturing company based in Europe, focusing on electrification, automation, and digitalization. The company is a supplier of systems for power generation and transmission, as well as medical diagnosis. Siemens uses AWS Support in order to optimize its migration and lower costs.
  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Siemens Smart Infrastructure Builds Cloud-Native Applications on AWS

    Peter Löffler, vice president of Siemens Smart Infrastructure’s Trends and Industry Affairs unit, describes the role AWS plays in supporting Siemens’ development of cloud-native platforms and applications.
  • United States

    Siemens Mobility Builds on Desiro City Commuter Rail Platform to Digitize Rail Fleets Worldwide on AWS

    Siemens Mobility created a digital environment across its base of UK rolling stock. Railigent uses AWS building blocks for data-driven services that support reliability and virtually 100 percent availability, leading to passenger confidence.
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