
2022 年

西门子将其软件与 AWS Cloud 功能相结合,助力推动“第四次工业革命”

西门子在适用于工业、基础设施和医疗保健的软件和自动化领域是全球领导者。在全球 25 家最大的汽车制造商中,有 24 家使用西门子软件,《财富》500 强公司中,有 92% 的公司也在使用西门子软件。 

在这段视频中,Siemens Digital Industries 首席执行官(CEO)Cedrik Neike 详细介绍了西门子如何与 Amazon Web Services(AWS)合作,助力推动“第四次工业革命”。 首先,西门子通过将其现有的工业软件迁移并转换为 AWS 所提供的软件即服务(SaaS),普及了其工业软件,惠及了各种规模的客户。其次,该公司使用物联网(IoT)和数据分析领域的 AWS 服务来合并其客户的 IT 和运营技术(OT)数据,从而加速数字化转型。通过将边缘连接到云的接口,这样便打通了以前无法获取的数据。第三,该公司正在开发低代码/无代码软件,例如 Mendix on AWS,让非开发人员更轻松地构建工业应用程序,将开发速度提升高达 10 倍。 


我们希望确保,下一次工业革命在环境上是可持续的,也是对社会负责的。我们需要努力做到推广好创意。那么,我们要做到这点需要付诸哪些行动呢? 西门子和 AWS 已经在研究这个问题了。”

Cedrik Neike
Siemens Digital Industries 首席执行官

使用的 AWS 服务

Amazon DynamoDB

快速、灵活的 NoSQL 数据库服务,可在任何规模下实现个位数毫秒级的性能

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Amazon Rekognition


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AWS Lambda


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探索西门子利用 AWS 开启的创新之旅


Showing results: 21-24
Total results: 25


  • Germany

    Siemens Uses Matillion ETL for Amazon Redshift to Build Out Its Software Quickly

    Siemens Power and Gas division was looking for ways to accelerate its data-analytics and customer-digitalization projects. After choosing Amazon Redshift, it wanted to build out the solution with best-in-class software. A search through AWS Marketplace led Siemens to run a free trial of Matillion ETL for Amazon Redshift, which took less than one hour to try, buy and implement within their existing AWS environments.
  • Germany

    Siemens PLM Case Study

    Siemens has been able to drive innovation across multiple business units—including Siemens Mobility, Siemens Power and Gas, and Siemens PLM—using more than 40 services including Amazon Kinesis, Amazon OpenSearch Service, and Amazon Athena. Siemens PLM provides product-lifecycle management software to thousands of companies and follows an "AWS first" strategy to power its MindSphere industrial IoT platform.

  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Siemens IC Case Study

    Siemens built a serverless AWS solution to analyze and reduce power plant alerts. The company provides power, medical, laboratory, and manufacturing solutions.
  • Germany

    Siemens AG Launches Industry-Leading EnergyIP MDM Application on AWS

    Using Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS, Siemens migrated its on-premises industry-leading meter data management application, EnergyIP, to the cloud, enhancing security, scalability, resiliency, and automation.
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