AWS Copilot

Command line interface for containerized applications


How it works

AWS Copilot is a command line interface (CLI) that you can use to quickly launch and manage containerized applications on AWS. It simplifies running applications on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), AWS Fargate, and AWS App Runner.

Diagram displaying how to use AWS Copilot to deploy containerized applications that use AWS services.

Use cases

Develop containerized applications

Create, release, and operate production-ready containerized applications and services on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and AWS Fargate with one command.

Move faster with a stable, secure foundation

Set up required infrastructure for containerized applications, and establish multiple deployment environments in different AWS accounts and Regions.

Support your expanding business needs

Meet your infrastructure needs as your business scales by customizing AWS Copilot with IaC tools such as AWS CloudFormation.

Monitor and troubleshoot your services

Use AWS Copilot in your day-to-day workflows; troubleshoot services by checking logs, health status, and infrastructure details, with one command.

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