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Veranstaltungen / AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen

Was sind AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen?

Zu den AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen gehören Webinare, virtuelle Workshops und persönliche Lernmöglichkeiten.



Was ist die Zielgruppe?

AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen sollen IT-Direktoren, Entwickler, Datenwissenschaftler und geschäftliche Entscheider ansprechen.

Warum sollten Sie teilnehmen?

Sie finden eine Vielzahl von AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen, die Sie inspirieren und weiterbilden werden – egal, ob Sie gerade erst mit Ihrem Weg in die Cloud beginnen oder neue geschäftliche Herausforderungen lösen möchten.

Demnächst: AWS-Partnerveranstaltungen

Showing results: 19-24
Total results: 98
  • APN Partner Events

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Affine

    Telescope Next-Gen AI Satellite Image Segmentation Solution

    AWS & Affine brings you an opportunity to unlock the potential of the next-gen AI. In this webinar, we have shared insights on how you can leverage Telescope® to perform real-time image analysis on high-resolution satellite images and view adjacent locations with the accurate coverage percentage of greenery, land, buildings, and water bodies in seconds. Watch the webinar now!
    On Demand
  • IoT

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Basler

    Developing IoT Embedded Vision Systems: Mastering the Top 3 Challenges

    In this webinar find out how Basler and AWS have bundled their competencies in the field of computer vision, Machine Learning and IoT to overcome complexity for an optimized embedded vision architecture.

    On Demand
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: CrowdStrike

    See and Defend Cloud Workloads

    While organizations continue to embrace the benefits of the cloud, security teams face increasing challenges. Join this webinar to learn how to establish a strong security foundation with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and CrowdStrike as well as best practices for securing AWS workloads.
    On Demand
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Fortinet

    Helping Educators Defend Web Applications with Amazon CloudFront and Fortinet WAF

    Your applications are critical to government operations and require the highest security possible. But with every new internet-facing web application, your attack surface grows, creating new risk. Learn how FortiWeb helps mitigate that risk and provides comprehensive visibility and superior performance at scale, without increasing administrative overhead.

    On Demand
  • Migration

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Onica

    Modern Cloud Adoption: Reimagine Your Journey to the Cloud

    The cloud is no longer a destination you need to get to in order to start innovating, it’s where you innovate on day 1. For many businesses just getting to the cloud may not be the best first step. Adoption has expanded beyond migration. If your organization’s goal is to be “cloud-first”, digital transformation across all levels is vital before even thinking about technology. Join us for our webinar to learn about the benefits of modern cloud adoption and how to leverage best practices in the AWS Cloud.

    On Demand
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Checkmarx

    DecSecOps Remediation: Hype or Reality

    Listen to this pre-recorded fireside chat panel of experts from AWS, OWSAP, and Checkmarx discuss industry trends in software security, automating security in cloud workloads, and remediation process and tools.
    On Demand
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Andere AWS-Veranstaltungen

Alle AWS-Veranstaltungen anzeigen

AWS hält Online- und Präsenzveranstaltungen ab und versammelt die Cloud-Computing-Community, um sich zu vernetzen, zusammenzuarbeiten und von AWS-Experten zu lernen

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AWS Tech Talks auf Abruf

In den AWS Online Tech Talks finden Sie eine Auswahl an On-Demand-Online-Präsentationen, die ein breites Spektrum an Themen mit unterschiedlichen technischen Ansprüchen abdecken. Die Tech Talks, die von AWS-Solutions-Architects und -Engineers geleitet werden, bieten technische Sitzungen sowie Live-Demonstrationen, Kundenbeispiele und Frage-und-Antwort-Sitzungen mit AWS-Experten.

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AWS Summit

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