Historias de clientes / Servicios financieros / Estados Unidos

Logotipo de Capital One

La tecnología de AWS permite a Capital One incorporar machine learning

Capital One, con AWS, convierte datos en información a través de machine learning y permite que la empresa innove rápidamente en nombre de sus clientes. Capital One, uno de los bancos más grandes de los Estados Unidos, ofrece tarjetas de crédito, cuentas corrientes y de ahorro, préstamos automotores, puntos por uso de tarjetas de crédito y servicios de banca en línea para consumidores y empresas. Capital One usa servicios de AWS, incluido Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), para respaldar sus proyectos de innovación basados en machine learning.

Servicio de AWS utilizado

Amazon S3

Almacenamiento de objetos creado para recuperar cualquier volumen de datos desde cualquier ubicación

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Más historias del cliente Capital One

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  • United States

    Capital One Brings Sustainability to Its Cloud Migration (Blog)

    Capital One Brings Sustainability to Its Cloud Migration. The company recycled over a 100 tons of copper and steel and are helping to save the equivalent of 650,000 LED light bulbs per year — all through their migration to AWS.
  • Americas

    Capital One Training Case Study

    By providing its employees with training about cloud technology and the ability to gain AWS certifications, Capital One is attracting and retaining top talent. Capital One is one of the largest banks in the United States and offers credit cards, checking and savings accounts, auto loans, rewards, and online banking services for consumers and businesses.
  • Americas

    Capital One Enterprise Case Study

    Using AWS, Capital One reduced its data-center footprint, expanded its use of microservices, and reimagined banking. Capital One is a leading information-based technology company that is on a mission to help its customers succeed by bringing ingenuity, simplicity, and humanity to banking.
  • United States

    Capital One’s Tech Transformation Enables Improved Agility and Innovation

    Capital One, one of the largest banks in the United States, announced in November 2020 that it had completed the migration from all eight of its on-premises data centers to Amazon Web Services (AWS), becoming the first US bank to report that it was all in on the cloud. By migrating to the cloud and changing its technology operations, Capital One has been able to scale to meet demand and move faster in a variety of ways.
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