製造および工業関連企業のオペレーションリーダーは、資産、プロセス、資材、人材から得られる分断された広大なサイロ化されたデータソースに悩まされています。これらのデータソースは連携するようには設計されていないため、ビジネス上の問題を解決し、データに基づいて情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことは困難になります。AWS 上の産業向けデータファブリックソリューションは、データを資産として活用するためのスケーラブルで統一された統合メカニズムを可能にするデータ管理アーキテクチャを作成するのに役立ちます。これらのソリューションにより、経済的で安全かつ簡単に高品質のデータセットへのアクセスを提供することで、ビジネスリーダーはデジタル産業変革の基盤を構築し、品質、メンテナンス、資材管理、プロセス最適化など、さまざまな分野で業務を最適化できます。


AWS パートナーのソフトウェア、SaaS、マネージドサービス

Showing results: 7-11
Total results: 11
  • 公開日
  • Cognite Data Fusion

    Cognite Data Fusion®, the leading Industrial DataOps platform, contextualizes operational asset data at scale in real-time, enabling companies to make better decisions about maintenance, production, and safety. Cognite Data Fusion®, is designed to quickly contextualize OT/IT data to develop and scale industrial AI solutions and applications to deliver both profitability and sustainability. We use technology like Generative AI, big data, machine learning, and 3D modeling to get there.
  • Twin Central

    Twin Central – Intuitive industrial digital twin builder that provides semantic asset modelling, mapping and management from operational, engineering and transactional metadata sources. A simple approach to create and manage an asset-centric, single source of truth and semantic data model across the enterprise. Twin Central can create digital twin data models that map, connect, link, store, and synchronize relationships between assets and their operational, engineering and financial metadata using a unified digital twin relationship graph.
  • CloudRail.DMC

    The CloudRail.DMC is a fleet management for industrial gateways that connect machines to AWS IoT Core, IoT Sitewise and IoT Greengrass.
  • EasyEdge

    EasyEdge is an advanced IoT Edge platform designed to seamlessly integrate diverse protocols and devices on the manufacturing shop floor. It offers unparalleled real-time data processing, scalability across industries, and a flexible pricing structure to suit any organization size. Leverage EasyEdge to transform your operational data into actionable insights and drive efficiency at scale.
  • Twin Sight

    Twin Sight – intuitive, simple visualization tool and dashboard builder that provides fast, easy, and secure access to operational, engineering, transactional real-time data and semantic data. An intuitive, modern approach to visualizing operational data and semantic metadata in conjunction with analytics, ML insights for anomaly detection, production optimization, and operation monitoring and optimization across all production sites.
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Showing results: 1-6
Total results: 10
  • 公開日
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