Amazon WorkSpaces introduces Microsoft Office Professional Plus bundle for Bring Your Own Windows License WorkSpaces

Posted on: Sep 3, 2020

You can now subscribe to Microsoft Office Professional Plus from AWS on Bring Your Own Windows License (BYOL) WorkSpaces. The new offering makes it easier for customers to use the Office suite of applications on Amazon WorkSpaces. 

It is easy to subscribe to Office on BYOL WorkSpaces. When creating a BYOL image in the Amazon WorkSpaces console, you can choose to pre-install Office in the image. You can then use this image to launch WorkSpaces that are subscribed to the Microsoft Office Professional Plus bundle. You can also use the Applications parameter in the ImportWorkspaceImage API to include Office in your BYOL image. 

Office bundle for BYOL WorkSpaces is available in all AWS Regions where Amazon WorkSpaces is available for $14.75 per WorkSpace per month. To learn more, visit the Amazon WorkSpaces pricing page