Posted On: Jul 9, 2019

Starting today, the Amplify CLI (part of the open source Amplify Framework) includes support for adding and configuring AWS Lambda triggers for events when using Amazon Cognito, Amazon Simple Storage Service, and Amazon DynamoDB as event sources. This enables developers to setup customized authentication flows for their mobile and web applications from the Amplify CLI using Amazon Cognito User Pool as an authentication provider.  

Developers can easily configure capabilities such as adding Google reCAPTCHA challenge, account verification using email, adding user to a Cognito User Pools group, and email domain filtering through templates provided in the CLI. Previously, developers had to manually add and configure the AWS Lambda function from the Lambda console or using CloudFormation.  

In addition, with this release developers can use the Amplify CLI to easily configure an AWS Lambda function for events when using Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB as storage resources for their mobile and web applications. This also gives developers the ability to grant permissions for interacting with AWS resources from a Lambda function. This updates associated IAM execution role policies without needing to perform manual IAM policy updates.  

For more details about these features, refer to our blog post. To learn more about Amplify Framework, please visit our documentation.