Posted On: Aug 6, 2020

Today, we are announcing the general availability of AWS Wavelength on Verizon’s 5G Network in Boston and the San Francisco Bay Area, beginning in San Jose today and extending to the rest of the Bay Area in the coming weeks. Wavelength embeds AWS compute and storage services at the edge of communications service providers’ 5G networks while providing seamless access to cloud services running in an AWS Region. AWS Wavelength minimizes the latency and network hops required to connect to an application hosted in AWS from 5G devices. Developers can now deploy use cases that require ultra-low latency, such as inference at the edge, connected cars, smart cities and factories, Internet of Things (IoT), and interactive live video and game streaming.

Wavelength delivers a consistent developer experience across multiple 5G networks around the world, allowing you to build the next generation of applications using familiar AWS services, APIs, and tools. To deploy your application to the 5G edge, simply extend your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to a Wavelength Zone and then create AWS resources like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances and Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volumes. 

The first two AWS Wavelength Zones are available in Boston and San Francisco Bay Area on Verizon's 5G network. 

Learn more about getting started with AWS Wavelength here.  

Request access to Wavelength Zones in San Francisco or Boston here.