Posted On: Mar 24, 2015

Amazon S3 now supports cross-region replication, a new feature that automatically replicates data across AWS regions. With cross-region replication, every object uploaded to an S3 bucket is automatically replicated to a destination bucket in a different AWS region that you choose. For example, you can use cross-region replication to provide lower-latency data access in different geographic regions. Cross-region replication can also help if you have a compliance requirement to store copies of data hundreds of miles apart. There is no additional charge for using cross-region replication. You pay Amazon S3’s usual charges for storage, requests, and inter-region data transfer for the replicated copy of data.

Cross-region replication is available in the US Standard, US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and South America (Sao Paulo) regions.

You can get started today by reading How to Set Up Cross-Region Replication in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.