Posted On: Jun 16, 2017

We are excited to announce that Amazon CloudWatch Events now supports Amazon Kinesis Firehose as a target. Amazon CloudWatch Events enables you to respond quickly to application availability issues or configuration changes that might impact performance or security by notifying you of AWS resource changes in near-real-time. You simply write rules to indicate which events are of interest to your application and what automated action to take when a rule matches an event. You can, for example, invoke AWS Lambda functions or notify an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic.

Now, you can send the matching events to any Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream enabling you near real-time analytics of event data with existing business intelligence tools and dashboards you’re already using today. Amazon Kinesis Firehose is the easiest way to load streaming data into AWS. It can capture, transform, and load streaming data into AWS services such as Amazon Kinesis Analytics, Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Elasticsearch etc.

We have also published a blog post on how you can use this new feature to monitor and get near real time analytics on EC2 events.

Please visit the following pages for more information.

Amazon CloudWatch Events

Amazon Kinesis Firehose

Regional Availability