Posted On: Sep 5, 2018

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is now FedRAMP authorized with a Provisional Authority to Operate (P-ATO) at the High Impact Level provided by the Joint Authorization Board (JAB). United States government customers and their partners can now use the latest version of ElastiCache for Redis to process and store their FedRAMP systems, data, and mission-critical, high-impact workloads in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region, and at moderate impact level in AWS US East/West Regions.

ElastiCache for Redis is a Redis-compatible, fully managed, in-memory data store and caching service that delivers sub-millisecond response times and supports millions of requests per second. ElastiCache for Redis supports popular use cases such as database and application caching, session management, queues, publish/subscribe, and real-time analytics. Now you can use the speed, simplicity, security, and scalability of FedRAMP-authorized ElastiCache for Redis to deliver secure, high-performance, and scalable apps containing sensitive and critical workloads.

FedRAMP-authorized ElastiCache for Redis requires Redis engine version 4.0.10 or higher. ElastiCache for Redis 4.0.10 or higher provides the controls needed to create FedRAMP-compliant clusters such as FIPS-endpoints. You can enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt all communication between clients and Redis servers as well as between the Redis servers (primary and read replica nodes). Additionally, the encryption at-rest feature allows you to encrypt your backups on disk and in Amazon S3 and the Redis AUTH command can be used for an added level of authentication. 

There is no additional charge for FedRAMP-compliant ElastiCache for Redis. To get started, see ElastiCache for Redis Compliance documentation.