Posted On: Sep 12, 2019

Today, Amazon WorkMail announced that you can access full email message content from within your AWS Lambda functions when using Email Flow Rules. With this, you can build powerful email processing, automation, and analytics applications; for example, you can easily add email correspondence to a 3rd party productivity tool such as SalesForce or Asana whenever an email is received, or analyze your organization’s email traffic to spot trends. Email messages can be accessed on both incoming and outgoing email.  

To get started, first create a Lambda function using the AWS Lambda console. Optionally, you can start with an easy-to-use template by choosing one of several Amazon WorkMail applications available on the Serverless Application Repository. You can then customize the Lambda function to retrieve the full content of the email message using the new Amazon WorkMail Message Flow SDK, available today.

The Message Flow SDK for WorkMail is available today in all AWS Regions where Amazon WorkMail is offered. See Configuring AWS Lambda on WorkMail to try it now. To learn more about Amazon WorkMail, or to start your trial, please visit Amazon WorkMail.