Posted On: Jun 26, 2020

You can now create Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) clusters using kafka.m5.8xlarge and kafka.m5.16xlarge brokers. These new broker types give customers additional options to optimize the cost and performance of high volume streaming workloads on Amazon MSK. All Amazon MSK features apply to clusters with kafka.m5.8xlarge and kafka.m5.16xlarge brokers, including two and three availability zone deployments, encryption in transit and at rest, and each cluster is paired with a highly available, fully managed Apache ZooKeeper cluster at no additional cost.

The kafka.m5.8xlarge and kafka.m5.16xlarge brokers are built from the EC2 M5 family of instances and offer a balance of compute, memory, and networking resources. EC2 M5 instances are built for high performance, availability, and security while also reducing virtualization overhead. Visit the Amazon EC2 M5 webpage for more information.

Amazon MSK is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka that makes it easy for you to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka as a data store. Amazon MSK is 100% compatible with Apache Kafka, which enables you to quickly migrate your existing Apache Kafka workloads to Amazon MSK with confidence or build new ones from scratch. With Amazon MSK, you spend more time innovating on applications and less time managing clusters. To learn how to get started, see the Amazon MSK Developer Guide.

For Amazon MSK region availability, refer to the AWS Region Table.