Posted On: Nov 13, 2020

Amazon QuickSight has added a powerful new data governance feature: Column Level Security (CLS). This feature compliments the existing Row Level Security (RLS) feature and, in combination, gives authors control over who can access what data within their visualizations. CLS enables dataset owners to apply restrictions on a per column basis. This ensures that users only see columns that they are allowed to see. For example, a dataset owner could set up their dataset so that only members of a Human Resources group could see salary information, while everyone can see less sensitive information, like first and last name. CLS can be configured on a dataset through the QuickSight interface and through APIs. See here to learn more.  

Additionally as part of this release, dataset owners can now add descriptions to their fields, making it easy for authors who use that data to understand exactly what every column is and how it should be used.  See here to learn more.

With the new Oracle Connector, QuickSight can connect to any instance of an Oracle database, whether hosted via Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) or an on-premise solution. At launch we’re supporting Oracle v12, and we’ll be following up in the near future with support up to v19. Getting started is as simple as creating a new dataset, and selecting Oracle from your list of connectors. 

Column Level Security and Column Descriptions are available for Enterprise Edition customers and the Oracle Connector is available for both Standard and Enterprise Edition. All features are available in all QuickSight regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo) and US West (GovCloud).

Check out our website to learn more about Amazon QuickSight, Column Level Security, Field Descriptors, and all our supported data connectors.