Posted On: Nov 4, 2020

Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for you to add speech-to-text capabilities to your applications. Today, we are excited to announce German and Italian language support for streaming audio. We are also announcing availability of Amazon Transcribe streaming in the EU (London) and EU (Frankfurt) regions. These new languages and regions expand the markets served by Amazon Transcribe streaming and enable customers to reach a broader global audience.

Live streaming transcription use cases include contact centers, media and entertainment, education and courtroom record keeping. For example, contact centers can use transcription for agent assist to trigger the next best action. In media, customers can make their live broadcasts accessible with real-time captions. Video game companies can use streaming transcription to meet accessibility requirements for in-game chat, helping players who have hearing impairments. In the legal domain, courtrooms can leverage real-time transcriptions to enable stenography, while lawyers can also make legal annotations on top of live transcripts for deposition purposes. 

Amazon Transcribe streaming now supports US English, British English, Australian English, French, Canadian French, US Spanish, German and Italian and is available in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Sydney), EU (Ireland), EU (London), and EU (Frankfurt) regions. To learn more, visit the Amazon Transcribe documentation page.