Posted On: Apr 20, 2021

Today we are announcing Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans, a new flexible pricing model that allows you to save up to 64% on Amazon SageMaker ML instances in exchange for making a commitment to a consistent amount of eligible usage (e.g. $10/hour) for a 1- or 3-year term. We are also pleased to share that effective April 19th, 2021 we are reducing the prices by up to 14% for instances in Amazon SageMaker. The price reductions apply to instances families ml.t2, ml.t3, ml.m4, ml.m5, ml.m5d, ml.c4, ml.c5, ml.c5d, ml.c5n, ml.r5, ml.r5d, ml.inf1 and ml.g4dn for SageMaker Studio notebooks, SageMaker On-Demand Notebooks, SageMaker Processing, SageMaker Training, SageMaker Real-Time Inference, SageMaker Data Wrangler and SageMaker Batch Transform.

SageMaker Savings Plans automatically apply to eligible SageMaker ML instance usage including SageMaker Studio Notebook, SageMaker On-Demand Notebook, SageMaker Processing, SageMaker Data Wrangler, SageMaker Training, SageMaker Real-Time Inference, and SageMaker Batch Transform regardless of ML instance family, size, or AWS Region. With the SageMaker Savings Plans, eligible ML instance usage up to the commitment will be charged at the Savings Plans rates and any usage beyond the commitment will be charged at regular On-Demand rates. SageMaker Savings Plans provide you the flexibility to use the machine learning options that best suits your needs and continue to save money, all without having to perform exchanges or modifications.

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed end-to-end machine learning service that enables data scientists and machine learning developers to quickly build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale. SageMaker drastically accelerates all of your machine learning efforts and allows you to add machine learning to your production applications quickly. Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans make it easier for you to maximize savings regardless of the ML instance family, size, or AWS region, giving you the flexibility to use what you need even as your machine learning requirements change over time. For example, you can change usage from a CPU instance ml.c5.xlarge running in US East (Ohio) to a ml.Inf1 instance in US West (Oregon) for inference workloads. SageMaker Savings Plans make it easier for you to maximize your savings, while still retaining the flexibility to manage changing business needs.

You can get started with SageMaker Savings Plans from AWS Cost Explorer in the AWS Management Console or via the AWS CLI or API. AWS Cost Explorer provides recommendations based on your historical usage over a selected period (7, 30 or 60 days) to realize the biggest savings. Once you sign up for Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans, the Savings Plans rates will automatically apply across all eligible usage up to the commitment amount.

Starting today, SageMaker Savings Plans and instance price reductions are available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (Northern California), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), EU (London), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), EU (Milan) Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Africa (Cape Town), South America (San Paulo), Middle East (Bahrain) and AWS GovCloud (US-West). Visit the Amazon SageMaker Savings Plans page for more information and Amazon SageMaker pricing page for the latest pricing information.