Posted On: Feb 6, 2023

Change Manager, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, helps customers request, approve, implement, and report on operational changes to their application configuration and infrastructure on AWS and on premises. With this launch, customers can now set a required number of approvers for a change request before adding all eligible approvers. This provides requesters with additional flexibility to add multiple approvers for the request and get the change approved as soon as the required number is achieved. For example, customers can require three approvals for a level but specify up to five approvers. Approvals from any three of those approvers are sufficient to approve the level.

To get started, choose Change Manager from the AWS Systems Manager console in the left navigation menu to create a change template. While adding approvers at a change template or change request level, customers can add the required number of approvers and proceed to add all eligible approvers. After the required number of approvers is reached, the change is completed.

This feature is available in all public AWS Regions where AWS Systems Manager is offered, except Amazon Web Services China (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD), and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To learn more about AWS Systems Manager Change Manager, see our documentation and pricing page. To learn more about Systems Manager features, see AWS Systems Manager.