Posted On: Sep 27, 2023

Starting today, OpsCenter, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, offers a new insight which automatically identifies resources with the most open operational issues (OpsItems). This insight helps cut through event noise, so that customers can focus their efforts on fixing their most issue-prone resources.

OpsCenter’s Operational Insights feature groups related operational issues into an insight. OpsCenter generates insights when it detects duplicate operational items or event sources that are particularly noisy. Starting today, OpsCenter also generates insights for resources that are experiencing the most operational issues. For example, if an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance has many unresolved operational issues, the instance will be flagged and displayed on the OpsCenter Summary tab. This insight improves operational efficiency by cutting through event noise and prioritizing resources that require operator attention. It also allows customers to holistically investigate flagged resources by surfacing all operational issues in one place, leading to better remediation. For each identified resource, customers can view the insight description, a count of open operational issues, a link to see the issues, and a recommended action to bulk-resolve the issues once appropriate response has been taken. OpsCenter’s Operational Insights feature is available in all regions where AWS Systems Manager is offered.

To enable operational insights, choose OpsCenter from the Systems Manager left navigation menu, navigate to the Settings page, and choose Enable under the “Operational Insights” section. To learn more, see the following list of resources: