AWS News Blog

Amazon Transcribe Now Supports Mandarin and Russian

Update October 1, 2021 – This post has been edited to remove outdated S3 buckets and files. As speech is central to human interaction, artificial intelligence research has long focused on speech recognition, the first step in designing and building systems allowing humans to interact intuitively with machines. The diversity in languages, accents and voices […]

Amazon Forecast – Now Generally Available

Getting accurate time series forecasts from historical data is not an easy task. Last year at re:Invent we introduced Amazon Forecast, a fully managed service that requires no experience in machine learning to deliver highly accurate forecasts. I’m excited to share that Amazon Forecast is generally available today! With Amazon Forecast, there are no servers to provision. You […]

Amazon Prime Day 2019 – Powered by AWS

What did you buy for Prime Day? I bought a 34″ Alienware Gaming Monitor and used it to replace a pair of 25″ monitors that had served me well for the past six years:   As I have done in years past, I would like to share a few of the many ways that AWS […]

Amplify Console – Hosting for Fullstack Serverless Web Apps

AWS Amplify Console is a fullstack web app hosting service, with continuous deployment from your preferred source code repository. Amplify Console has been introduced in November 2018 at AWS re:Invent. Since then, the team has been listening to customer feedback and iterated quickly to release several new features, here is a short re:Cap. Instant Cache […]

Using callback URLs for approval emails with AWS Step Functions

Guest post by Cloud Robotics Research Scientist at iRobot and AWS Serverless Hero, Ben Kehoe AWS Step Functions is a serverless workflow orchestration service that lets you coordinate processes using the declarative Amazon States Language. When you have a Step Functions task that takes more than fifteen minutes, you can’t use an AWS Lambda function—Step […]

Preview Release of the new AWS Tools for PowerShell

In 2012 we announced the first version of the AWS Tools for PowerShell module for Windows PowerShell, containing around 550 cmdlets supporting 20 or so services. In the years since, the growth of AWS has expanded the module to almost 6000 cmdlets spanning 160+ services, plus an additional (but identical) module for users of PowerShell 6 […]

AWS Lake Formation – Now Generally Available

As soon as companies started to have data in digital format, it was possible for them to build a data warehouse, collecting data from their operational systems, such as Customer relationship management (CRM) and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and use this information to support their business decisions. The reduction in costs of storage, together […]