AWS Compute Blog

Managing federated schema with AWS Lambda and Amazon S3

This post is written by Krzysztof Lis, Senior Software Development Engineer, IMDb.

GraphQL schema management is one of the biggest challenges in the federated setup. IMDb has 19 subgraphs (graphlets) – each of them owns and publishes a part of the schema as a part of an independent CI/CD pipeline.

To manage federated schema effectively, IMDb introduced a component called Schema Manager. This is responsible for fetching the latest schema changes and validating them before publishing it to the Gateway.

Part 1 presents the migration from a monolithic REST API to a federated GraphQL (GQL) endpoint running on AWS Lambda. This post focuses on schema management in federated GQL systems. It shows the challenges that the teams faced when designing this component and how we addressed them. It also shares best practices and processes for schema management, based on our experience.

Comparing monolithic and federated GQL schema

In the standard, monolithic implementation of GQL, there is a single file used to manage the whole schema. This makes it easier to ensure that there are no conflicts between the new changes and the earlier schema. Everything can be validated at the build time and there is no risk that external changes break the endpoint during runtime.

This is not true for the federated GQL endpoint. The gateway fetches service definitions from the graphlets on runtime and composes the overall schema. If any of the graphlets introduces a breaking change, the gateway fails to compose the schema and won’t be able to serve the requests.

The more graphlets we federate to, the higher the risk of introducing a breaking change. In enterprise scale systems, you need a component that protects the production environment from potential downtime. It must notify graphlet owners that they are about to introduce a breaking change, preferably during development before releasing the change.

Federated schema challenges

There are other aspects of handling federated schema to consider. If you use AWS Lambda, the default schema composition increases the gateway startup time, which impacts the endpoint’s performance. If any of the declared graphlets are unavailable at the time of schema composition, there may be gateway downtime or at least an incomplete overall schema. If schemas are pre-validated and stored in a highly available store such as Amazon S3, you mitigate both of these issues.

Another challenge is schema consistency. Ideally, you want to propagate the changes to the gateway in a timely manner after a schema change is published. You also need to consider handling field deprecation and field transfer across graphlets (change of ownership). To catch potential errors early, the system should support dry-run-like functionality that will allow developers to validate changes against the current schema during the development stage.

The Schema Manager

Schema Manager

To mitigate these challenges, the Gateway/Platform team introduces a Schema Manager component to the workload. Whenever there’s a deployment in any of the graphlet pipelines, the schema validation process is triggered.

Schema Manager fetches the most recent sub-schemas from all the graphlets and attempts to compose an overall schema. If there are no errors and conflicts, a change is approved and can be safely promoted to production.

In the case of a validation failure, the breaking change is blocked in the graphlet deployment pipeline and the owning team must resolve the issue before they can proceed with the change. Deployments of graphlet code changes also depend on this approval step, so there is no risk that schema and backend logic can get out of sync, when the approval step blocks the schema change.

Integration with the Gateway

To handle versioning of the composed schema, a manifest file stores the locations of the latest approved set of graphlet schemas. The manifest is a JSON file mapping the name of the graphlet to the S3 key of the schema file, in addition to the endpoint of the graphlet service.

The file name of each graphlet schema is a hash of the schema. The Schema Manager pulls the current manifest and uses the hash of the validated schema to determine if it has changed:

   "graphlets": {
     "graphletOne": {
        "schemaPath": "graphletOne/1a3121746e75aafb3ca9cccb94f23d89",
        "endpoint": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:GraphletOne"
     "graphletTwo": { 
        "schemaPath": "graphletTwo/213362c3684c89160a9b2f40cd8f191a",
        "endpoint": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:GraphletTwo"

Based on these details, the Gateway fetches the graphlet schemas from S3 as part of service startup and stores them in the in-memory cache. It later polls for the updates every 5 minutes.

Using S3 as the schema store addresses the latency, availability and validation concerns of fetching schemas directly from the graphlets on runtime.

Eventual schema consistency

Since there are multiple graphlets that can be updated at the same time, there is no guarantee that one schema validation workflow will not overwrite the results of another.

For example:

  1. SchemaUpdater 1 runs for graphlet A.
  2. SchemaUpdater 2 runs for graphlet B.
  3. SchemaUpdater 1 pulls the manifest v1.
  4. SchemaUpdater 2 pulls the manifest v1.
  5. SchemaUpdater 1 uploads manifest v2 with change to graphlet A
  6. SchemaUpdater 2 uploads manifest v3 that overwrites the changes in v2. Contains only changes to graphlet B.

This is not a critical issue because no matter which version of the manifest wins in this scenario both manifests represent a valid schema and the gateway does not have any issues. When SchemaUpdater is run for graphlet A again, it sees that the current manifest does not contain the changes uploaded before, so it uploads again.

To reduce the risk of schema inconsistency, Schema Manager polls for schema changes every 15 minutes and the Gateway polls every 5 minutes.

Local schema development

Schema validation runs automatically for any graphlet change as a part of deployment pipelines. However, that feedback loop happens too late for an efficient schema development cycle. To reduce friction, the team uses a tool that performs this validation step without publishing any changes. Instead, it would output the results of the validation to the developer.

Schema validation

The Schema Validator script can be added as a dependency to any of the graphlets. It fetches graphlet’s schema definition described in Schema Definition Language (SDL) and passes it as payload to Schema Manager. It performs the full schema validation and returns any validation errors (or success codes) to the user.

Best practices for federated schema development

Schema Manager addresses the most critical challenges that come from federated schema development. However, there are other issues when organizing work processes at your organization.

It is crucial for long term maintainability of the federated schema to keep a high-quality bar for the incoming schema changes. Since there are multiple owners of sub-schemas, it’s good to keep a communication channel between the graphlet teams so that they can provide feedback for planned schema changes.

It is also good to extract common parts of the graph to a shared library and generate typings and the resolvers. This lets the graphlet developers benefit from strongly typed code. We use open-source libraries to do this.


Schema Management is a non-trivial challenge in federated GQL systems. The highest risk to your system availability comes with the potential of introducing breaking schema change by one of the graphlets. Your system cannot serve any requests after that. There is the problem of the delayed feedback loop for the engineers working on schema changes and the impact of schema composition during runtime on the service latency.

IMDb addresses these issues with a Schema Manager component running on Lambda, using S3 as the schema store. We have put guardrails in our deployment pipelines to ensure that no breaking change is deployed to production. Our graphlet teams are using common schema libraries with automatically generated typings and review the planned schema changes during schema working group meetings to streamline the development process.

These factors enable us to have stable and highly maintainable federated graphs, with automated change management. Next, our solution must provide mechanisms to prevent still-in-use fields from getting deleted and to allow schema changes coordinated between multiple graphlets. There are still plenty of interesting challenges to solve at IMDb.

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