AWS Contact Center

Tag: Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

How to programmatically access Amazon Connect Rules using APIs

Many businesses today use Amazon Connect Rules, a feature of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, through Amazon Connect console for creating and managing rules. This restricts businesses who want to manage the automation of rules creation and management from any home-grown or third-party solution outside of the Amazon Connect console. Amazon Connect Rules now launched […]

Integrate Salesforce knowledgebase with Amazon Connect Wisdom

Today’s end-user expects speedy and personalized customer service and does not wish to spend time waiting on a call while an agent is searching for information about the case. When customer service agents need access to information to assist a customer, they lose time trying to navigate various data sources in silos: frequently asked questions, […]

Provide call sentiment analytics to agents using real-time contact analysis segment streams in Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Agent experience is a crucial aspect of contact centers and their interactions with end consumers define the customer experience of a business. In such a scenario, providing agents the right tools and information in a timely fashion is key to ensuring first call resolution, decreased average handling times and increased customer satisfaction score. Call sentiment […]

Automate follow-up work with Amazon Connect Tasks and Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

At the end of an interaction with a customer, agents have to create follow-up work items with other teams in order to provide the best end to end customer experience. Some examples include customer requests to mail specific product or services brochures, mailing a physical copy of a maintenance contract the customer has agreed on […]

Provide real-time customer sentiment analytics to agents using Contact Lens API for Amazon Connect

A contact center has a large amount of valuable customer data that supervisors and quality assurance managers can use to easily understand the sentiment, trends, and compliance risks of customer conversations. These insights allow companies to effectively train agents, replicate successful interactions, and identify important customer feedback. This said, many companies find it difficult to […]