AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: Configuration

New: Improved flexibility when configuring endpoint URLs with the AWS SDKs and tools

The AWS SDKs and Tools team is excited to announce improvements for configuration of the endpoint URL used for API service requests through the shared SDK configuration file and environment variables with the AWS SDKs and Tools. Previously, you could specify the endpoint URL used for AWS requests by setting the –endpoint-url command line parameter […]

Utilizing Amazon ElastiCache Auto Discovery in .NET Through Enyim

Today, we released a new library, Amazon ElastiCache Cluster Configuration, that allows .NET applications to easily leverage ElastiCache features. This post explains why a programmer would want to use this library and offers a quick and easy way to try it yourself. What is Memcached? Memcached provides a way to easily avoid some of the […]

Working with Multiple Regions

In a previous blog post, I introduced the new :region configuration option for the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem). Beyond simplified configuration, the Ruby SDK provides additional helpers for working with multiple regions. There are two new helper classes for working with regions, AWS::Core::Region and AWS::Core::RegionCollection. The AWS module provides helper methods so that […]