AWS DevOps Blog

Category: Amazon Q

Modernize your Java application with Amazon Q Developer

Many organizations have critical legacy Java applications that are increasingly difficult to maintain. Modernizing these applications is a necessary, daunting, and risky task that takes the focus off of creating new value or features. This includes undocumented code, outdated frameworks and libraries, security vulnerabilities, a lack of logging and error handling, and a lack of […]

Amazon transform blog cover page

Three ways Amazon Q Developer agent for code transformation accelerates Java upgrades

When Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched Amazon Q Developer agent for code transformation as a preview last year to upgrade Java applications, we saw many organizations desire to significantly accelerate their Java upgrades. Previously, these upgrades were considered daunting, a time-consuming manual task requiring weeks if not months of effort and with Amazon Q Developer they […]

Accelerate your Automation for SAP on AWS Operations using Amazon Q Developer

Based on discussions with several SAP on AWS customers, we have discovered that the number of SAP administration or operational task requirements often exceed the capacity of the available team. Due to lack of time, resources, and heavy focus on operations, strategic initiatives like digital transformations often remain unaddressed. Although 1P and 3P automation solutions […]

Accelerate your SDLC with Amazon Q

Accelerate your Software Development Lifecycle with Amazon Q

Software development teams are constantly looking for ways to accelerate their software development lifecycle (SDLC) to release quality software faster. Amazon Q, a generative AI–powered assistant, can help software development teams work more efficiently throughout the SDLC—from research to maintenance. Software development teams spend significant time on undifferentiated tasks while analyzing requirements, building, testing, and […]

Quickly go from Idea to PR with CodeCatalyst using Amazon Q

Amazon Q feature development enables teams using Amazon CodeCatalyst to scale with AI to assist developers in completing everyday software development tasks. Developers can now go from an idea in an issue to a fully tested, merge-ready, running application code in a Pull Request (PR) with natural language inputs in a few clicks. Developers can […]

Creating a User Activity Dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer

Maximizing the value from Enterprise Software tools requires an understanding of who and how users interact with those tools. As we have worked with builders rolling out Amazon CodeWhisperer to their enterprises, identifying usage patterns has been critical. This blog post is a result of that work, builds on Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard blog and […]