AWS DevOps Blog

Category: DevOps

How to migrate from AWS Cloud9 to AWS IDE Toolkits or AWS Cloudshell

Building with AWS requires you to interact with and manipulate your AWS resources, whether it’s to manage infrastructure, deploy applications, or troubleshoot issues and many AWS customers use AWS Cloud9 to do so today. However, developers want the ability to work with AWS resources within their own Integrated Development Environment (IDE) because it allows them […]

Leveraging Amazon Q Developer for Efficient Code Debugging and Maintenance

In this post, we guide you through five common components of efficient code debugging. We also show you how Amazon Q Developer can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manually identify and fix errors across numerous lines of code. With Amazon Q Developer on your side, you can focus on other aspects of […]

Modernize your Java application with Amazon Q Developer

Many organizations have critical legacy Java applications that are increasingly difficult to maintain. Modernizing these applications is a necessary, daunting, and risky task that takes the focus off of creating new value or features. This includes undocumented code, outdated frameworks and libraries, security vulnerabilities, a lack of logging and error handling, and a lack of […]

Blue/Green Deployments to Amazon ECS using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodeDeploy

Introduction Many customers use Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) for running their mission critical container-based applications on AWS. These customers are looking for safe deployment of application and infrastructure changes with minimal downtime, leveraging AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation natively supports performing Blue/Green deployments on ECS using a CodeDeploy Blue/Green hook, but this […]

AWS CloudFormation Linter (cfn-lint) v1

Introduction The CloudFormation Linter, cfn-lint, is a powerful tool designed to enhance the development process of AWS CloudFormation templates. It serves as a static analysis tool that checks CloudFormation templates for potential errors and best practices, ensuring that your infrastructure as code adheres to AWS best practices and standards. With its comprehensive rule set and […]

AWS CodeBuild Managed Self-Hosted GitHub Action Runners

AWS CodeBuild Managed Self-Hosted GitHub Action Runners

AWS CodeBuild now supports managed self-hosted GitHub Action runners, allowing you to build powerful CI/CD capabilities right beside your code and quickly implement a build, test and deploy pipeline. Last year AWS announced that customers can define their GitHub Actions steps within any phase of a CodeBuild buildspec file but with a self-hosted runner, jobs […]

Quickly adopt new AWS features with the Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider

AWS customers using Terraform as their IaC tool can now benefit from faster time-to-market by building cloud infrastructure with the latest AWS innovations that are typically available on the Terraform AWS CC Provider on the day of launch.

Accelerate your SDLC with Amazon Q

Accelerate your Software Development Lifecycle with Amazon Q

Software development teams are constantly looking for ways to accelerate their software development lifecycle (SDLC) to release quality software faster. Amazon Q, a generative AI–powered assistant, can help software development teams work more efficiently throughout the SDLC—from research to maintenance. Software development teams spend significant time on undifferentiated tasks while analyzing requirements, building, testing, and […]

De-risk releases with AWS CodePipeline rollbacks

De-risk releases with AWS CodePipeline rollbacks

It’s an established practice for development teams to build deployment pipelines, with services such as AWS CodePipeline, to increase the quality of application and infrastructure releases through reliable, repeatable and consistent automation. Automating the deployment process helps build quality into our products by introducing continuous integration to build and test code as early as possible, […]