AWS for Industries

AWS for Health at Bio-IT World Expo 2023

The AWS Life Sciences Team is excited about the upcoming Bio-IT World Conference and Expo 2023 in Boston from May 16-18. The symposium unites a community of life sciences and technology experts from around the world, and is the world’s premier event showcasing the technologies and analytic approaches that solve problems, accelerate science, and drive the future of precision medicine.

AWS will join the conference this year as a platinum sponsor. Through multiple speaking sessions, we’ll be showcasing new purpose-built solutions and curated innovations for life sciences organizations to enhance data liquidity, re-imagine R&D, and expedite the translation of scientific and health data into insights. Our customers and partners will join us on stage, to share real-world examples of how they’ve leveraged the cloud for accelerating innovations from bench-top to bedside. In addition, we will host instructional and interactive workshops to provide in-depth information on selected topics, diving into hands-on technical aspects as you build for the future.

AWS Speaking Sessions at Bio-IT World 2023

Discover clinical data products using knowledge graph

Tuesday, May 16, 11:50 AM ET | Luncheon Presentation | Knowledge Graph Symposium

Co-presenting with:

In healthcare and life sciences, we use myriad hierarchical ontologies to harmonize data for analysis. It can be time consuming to learn all relevant ontologies enough to use them when forming in analytical queries, typically in the form of SQL select statements. This problem is compounded in data mesh architectures where data product discoverability is challenging. In this session, learn how to build a knowledge graph that connects multiple clinical ontologies by disease concepts. Discover how to connect the combined ontology graph to a profile of a real-world data clinical repository. Find out how a clinical trial manager user can discover relevant data sources with this extended knowledge graph, using a semantic search and submit natural language queries using familiar disease concepts instead of embedding lists of SQL codes.

Building an End-to-End Solution for Genomics Data with Amazon Omics

Wednesday, May 17, 10:25 AM ET | Track: Modern Data Platforms and Storage Infrastructure

Co-presenting with:

The human genome acts as the biological blueprint of the human body and has the potential to transform how we discover new therapies and treat disease. However, researchers face a common set of challenges to process genomics data in the cloud from scaling compute across millions of samples to analyzing trends. Using AWS, healthcare and life science organizations can store, query, analyze, and generate insights from genomics and other biological data to improve human health. In this session, hear how you can use Amazon Omics to support large-scale analysis and collaborative research with scalable workflows, purpose-built data stores, and multi-modal analytics. Attendees will learn how Amazon Omics can enable them to store petabytes of genomics data at low cost, process data efficiently, and analyze population-scale datasets.

Cloud foundations for a digital R&D strategy

Wednesday, May 17, 1:05 PM ET | Luncheon Presentation | Track: Cloud Computing

Co-presenting with:

Over the last decade, life sciences R&D organizations have pushed the envelope on what’s possible—from ultra-scale computational models, to the processing of large multi-modal data sets, to the use of AI to develop more targeted drug candidates. While these innovations touch different parts of the wet lab and dry lab, they have the common challenges of delivering data to collaborators quickly, making data more accessible to data science, and automate workflows. Many efforts in these areas are stuck in pilot purgatory; the need for a modern digital R&D strategy is urgent. This session will explore the modern data, computing, and machine learning approaches from AWS that are helping life sciences companies benefit from the virtually unlimited scale and agility of operating R&D digitally on the cloud.

Facilitating access to and interrogation of deep multiomics oncology RWD using Amazon Omics and AWS Data Exchange with Caris Life Sciences

Wednesday, May 17, 4:10 PM ET | Track: AI for Oncology, Precision Medicine, and Health

Co-presenting with:

Robust multimodal RWD datasets in oncology are frequently difficult to access and are often assembled with incomplete genomic and/or clinical information. This lack of comprehensiveness leads to an inability to reconcile much of tumor biology with the clinical care being applied. A diagnostic provider that paired a holistic approach to patient profiling with an easy-to-use set of tools to link and interrogate the data would be of great value to the research community. Join us to learn how Caris Life Sciences is using Amazon Omics Sequence Stores and Variant Stores to store a comprehensive set of oncology real world data. This deep multiomics data is available for access and interrogation via the AWS Data Exchange. AWS Data Exchange removes the friction of finding, procuring, and using third party clinical data across global sources.

Illumina Complete Long Reads and Population Genotyping at Scale

Thursday, May 18, 12:25 PM ET | Track: Bioinformatics

Presentation by:

In this session, Rami Mehio, Global Head of Software and Informatics, will discuss two emerging bioinformatics workflows which enable new insights at both the single sample and population scale.  First, he will provide more insight into the bioinformatics workflow for Illumina Complete Long Reads and how deep single sample analysis leads to the most accurate view of a whole genome. Next, he will present details behind the new tools used for aggregating and genotyping 100K+ sample cohorts using DRAGEN secondary analysis and Illumina Connected Software hosted on Amazon Web Services.

Panel Discussions Featuring AWS at Bio-IT World 2023

Building and Using the World’s Largest Multimodal Cancer Research Platform

Wednesday, May 17, 10:25 AM ET | Track: AI for Oncology, Precision Medicine, and Health

Panel with:

Over the past twenty years, reference datasets like TCGA have proven invaluable for advancing cancer research. But with WGS entering clinical care, and digital pathology and AI/ML offering new insights into cancer biology, what would a global reference and research platform for the decades ahead need to look like? Genomics England is offering a path-breaking answer at unprecedented scale. Building a multimodal research platform with linked whole genome sequencing and real-world data cancer resource, it is working with its partners to assemble major new cohorts through enrollment of new patient participants through the UK’s Genomic Medicine Service; digitizing hundreds of thousands of pathology and radiology images; providing AI/ML tools for users; and making all the ~100PB of data queriable in a secure cloud environment. Learn more from the leaders of this effort, digital pathology partner NPIC and cloud partner AWS.

Towards Precision Medicine: Datasets, Computation, and Data Integration for Patient Subsetting Research

Thursday, May 18, 10:25 AM ET | Track: AI for Oncology, Precision Medicine, and Health

Panel led by:

Accessible data plus reproducible computation is necessary for coherent disease subtyping, paving the way for cohort-specific treatment and prevention, particularly when large, multimodal datasets can be employed for this subtyping. Fortunately, porting end to end workflows to huge datasets that cannot be moved for policy and technical reasons is now a reality while smaller datasets, such as those used for variant annotation, can be moved into these ecosystems. Circa 2023, data and compute alone have not been sufficient for said subtyping; they must be paired with domain expertise in order to yield actionable insights. As such, data visualization is critical for allowing humans to be in the loop, and therefore realize the immense potential of patient specific interventions.

Transforming Medical Image Storage and Model Training in Cloud

Thursday, May 18, 11:55 AM ET | Track: AI for Oncology, Precision Medicine, and Health

Panel led by:

In this panel session discover how imaging firm SimBioSys, with AWS and NVIDIA, enables personalized cancer care through AI and computer simulations. Utilizing MONAI on AWS, this session explores building a platform for identifying ground truth and training AI models using MONAI and Amazon SageMaker, Amazon HealthLake Imaging (HLI), and collaborative learning for training AI models across different institutions without exposing sensitive healthcare data with NVIDIA FLARE.

Accelerating the Processing Performance of Cryo-EM Workflows on AWS

Thursday, May 18, 12:25 PM ET | Track: Cloud Computing

Panel led by:

The increasing use of Cryo-EM enables researchers better to understand the structure and function of disease targets and has unlocked the potential for discoveries and treatments, leading to the need for increased storage and computing capacity. On-premises infrastructure for running cryo-EM workloads can struggle with scaling up to keep pace with rapidly growing compute and storage demands or scaling down during periods of low activity. This variability in workload can be solved by running on AWS powered by NVIDIA GPUs. In this panel, you will hear from Amgen and Vertex Pharmaceuticals about how they have adapted to the flow of large data sets in the cloud to accelerate workloads while decreasing costs.

Workshops Led by AWS at Bio-IT World 2023

Using Amazon Omics for Genomics End-to-End: From Raw Sequence to Querying Variants

Tuesday, May 16, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET

In collaboration with:

Take a hands-on tour of Amazon Omics and how to use it to build a complete end-to-end genomics data journey. Here you will learn how to store petabytes of raw genomics data at low cost, process data efficiently and at scale with secondary analysis workflows, and query population scale variant datasets. Only a laptop and a connection to the internet are required to participate.

AI-Driven Protein Analysis on AWS

Tuesday, May 16, 1:45 – 3:45 PM ET

Proteins are the molecular machines of the body and make up an increasingly important class of bio-therapeutics. The functions of many proteins depend on their three-dimensional structures. Digital tools to predict and understand protein structures can dramatically increase the speed of biopharma innovation. In this workshop, you will use AWS cloud services to predict protein structure and function. First, you will use Amazon SageMaker Studio to explore protein data. Next, you will experiment with machine learning algorithms to predict molecular properties. Finally, you will build high-throughput pipelines for protein analysis. Participants will leave this workshop with hands-on knowledge of the most advanced protein analysis workflows available today.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Boston. Bookmark these sessions and reach out to your account team to book a 1:1 meeting with the AWS for Life Sciences team at the conference.

To learn more about AWS for Life Sciences purpose-built services and solutions for healthcare providers, payors, and healthtech organizations to transform their business and patient care visit,

Related resources:
AWS medical cloud solutions

Kelli Jonakin, Ph.D.

Kelli Jonakin, Ph.D.

Kelli Jonakin is the Worldwide Head of Marketing for Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Genomics Industry verticals at AWS. She comes with a background in pharmaceutical research, with a special focus on development and commercialization of biologics. Kelli received her Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Systems Biology from the University of Colorado, and received an NIH post-doctoral fellowship grant to study Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.