AWS Security Blog

Category: AWS Security Hub

Top four ways to improve your Security Hub security score

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security posture management (CSPM) service that performs security best practice checks across your Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts and AWS Regions, aggregates alerts, and enables automated remediation. Security Hub is designed to simplify and streamline the management of security-related data from various AWS services and third-party tools. It provides […]

Integrate Kubernetes policy-as-code solutions into Security Hub

Integrate Kubernetes policy-as-code solutions into Security Hub

Using Kubernetes policy-as-code (PaC) solutions, administrators and security professionals can enforce organization policies to Kubernetes resources. There are several publicly available PAC solutions that are available for Kubernetes, such as Gatekeeper, Polaris, and Kyverno. PaC solutions usually implement two features: Use Kubernetes admission controllers to validate or modify objects before they’re created to help enforce configuration best […]

Accelerate security automation using Amazon CodeWhisperer

In an ever-changing security landscape, teams must be able to quickly remediate security risks. Many organizations look for ways to automate the remediation of security findings that are currently handled manually. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion that generates real-time, single-line or full-function code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to […]

Sample solution architecture diagram

How to generate security findings to help your security team with incident response simulations

April 8, 2024: We have updated the post to revise the CloudFormation launch stack link to provision the CloudFormation template. Continually reviewing your organization’s incident response capabilities can be challenging without a mechanism to create security findings with actual Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources within your AWS estate. As prescribed within the AWS Security Incident […]

Introducing new central configuration capabilities in AWS Security Hub

Introducing new central configuration capabilities in AWS Security Hub

As cloud environments—and security risks associated with them—become more complex, it becomes increasingly critical to understand your cloud security posture so that you can quickly and efficiently mitigate security gaps. AWS Security Hub offers close to 300 automated controls that continuously check whether the configuration of your cloud resources aligns with the best practices identified […]

Download AWS Security Hub CSV report

Download AWS Security Hub CSV report

AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of your security posture in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and helps you check your environment against security standards and best practices. In this post, I show you a solution to export Security Hub findings to a .csv file weekly and send an email notification to download the file from Amazon Simple […]

How to share security telemetry per OU using Amazon Security Lake and AWS Lake Formation

Part 3 of a 3-part series Part 1 – Aggregating, searching, and visualizing log data from distributed sources with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight Part 2 – How to visualize Amazon Security Lake findings with Amazon QuickSight This is the final part of a three-part series on visualizing security data using Amazon Security Lake and […]

Enable Security Hub partner integrations across your organization

AWS Security Hub offers over 75 third-party partner product integrations, such as Palo Alto Networks Prisma, Prowler, Qualys, Wiz, and more, that you can use to send, receive, or update findings in Security Hub. We recommend that you enable your corresponding Security Hub third-party partner product integrations when you use these partner solutions. By centralizing […]

Improve your security investigations with Detective finding groups visualizations

At AWS, we often hear from customers that they want expanded security coverage for the multiple services that they use on AWS. However, alert fatigue is a common challenge that customers face as we introduce new security protections. The challenge becomes how to operationalize, identify, and prioritize alerts that represent real risk. In this post, […]

AWS Config for AWS Security Hub

Optimize AWS Config for AWS Security Hub to effectively manage your cloud security posture

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security posture management service that performs security best practice checks, aggregates security findings from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and third-party security services, and enables automated remediation. Most of the checks Security Hub performs on AWS resources happen as soon as there is a configuration change, giving you nearly immediate […]