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基于 AWS 边缘服务构建
互联网用户越来越期待具有更低延迟和更高可用性的响应式 Web 应用程序和 API。快速可靠的用户体验有助于提高搜索引擎的排名,并提高用户参与度。
开发人员正在寻找工具来帮助他们轻松构建现代 Web 应用程序,并与云端或本地的源代码无缝集成。
希望保持 Web 应用程序性能、恢复能力和安全的开发人员可以将 AWS 边缘服务引入其托管的基础设施。AWS 边缘服务包括 Amazon CloudFront(全球内容分发网络)、AWS WAF(用于管理应用程序层威胁的安全控件)、Lambda@Edge 和 CloudFront Functions 等边缘功能(用于增强 Web 应用程序的功能)以及 AWS Global Accelerator(网络级加速器)。
将 AWS 边缘服务纳入 Web 应用程序技术堆栈可带来多重优势:
- 更快的网络:采用缓存、图像/文本压缩以及 HTTP/3 和 TLS 1.3 等现代互联网协议。通过终止分布式边缘站点查看器附近的 TLS 连接,并通过 AWS 的专用骨干网络与源保持持久 TCP 连接,从而加速静态和动态应用程序。
- 更高的可靠性:采用源失效转移、连接重试和多区域架构。
- 更多安全控制措施:例如强制执行 TLS 策略、访问控制、基础设施层的 DDoS 保护、使用 AWS WAF 阻止 HTTP 泛洪、使用机器人控制功能管理自动机器人流量以及使用 AWS 威胁研究团队的 AWS WAF 托管规则防止 CVE 漏洞。
- 边缘功能:集中执行边缘微服务间的重定向、授权或 A/B 测试等操作,启用动态源路由和请求适应等。
Total results: 29
- 日期
The ideal micro-frontends platform (Formula One Testimony)
How can I implement micro-frontends in my company? What recommendations do you have? In this session, get answers to these common questions. Discover the key characteristics necessary for constructing effective frontend distributed systems. Also learn the best practices and tools for developing micro frontends based on real-world examples.Case Study2024-12-09 -
Practical applications of edge compute in Amazon CloudFront, with AppsFlyer testimony
With an increasingly more powerful serverless environment coupled with content delivery network (CDN) capabilities, Amazon CloudFront empowers developers to build web applications that execute functions closer to end users, tailoring content delivery to the unique needs of users. This session delves into how to leverage the latest edge compute features while optimizing for both performance and scalability. Learn best practices and patterns for deploying custom logic at the edge, enabling you to harness the full potential of CloudFront's evolving features.AWS re:Invent 20242024-12-09 -
I didn’t know AWS WAF did this
Securing web applications in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape is crucial. As threats evolve, so must security controls and countermeasures. In this chalk talk, dive into how AWS WAF seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, making it possible for you to construct a resilient, multi-layered defense strategy. Learn about uncommon use cases and how to address even the most unconventional threats.AWS re:Invent 20242024-12-08