AWS 互联网+智慧医疗保健能力合作伙伴

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客户可以与 AWS 医疗保健能力合作伙伴合作,构建经济高效的、安全的、创新型互联网+智慧医疗,互联网+健康医疗解决方案,以提高运营和临床效率,同时改进医疗保健付款人和提供商的病患治疗成效。 

在 AWS 上构建安全存储、处理、传输和分析临床信息的医疗保健解决方案方面,AWS 互联网+智慧医疗保健能力合作伙伴已展示了自己的专业技术水平,并积累了多个成功的客户案例。可在下面找到 AWS 医疗保健能力合作伙伴提供的解决方案和产品/服务。

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    • Healthcare

      NHS Midlands and Lancashire Launches Activate, Incorporating a Scalable, Cost-Effective Patient Contact Center Solution with Digital Space on AWS, Reducing Patient Waiting Lists by 9–14%

      United Kingdom

      NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) supports nine Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England from its bases in the Midlands and North West, providing the high-quality transformational and back-office support they need. Using traditional methods for all patient contact was time consuming, ineffective, and expensive. The NHS ML Referral Management Centre chose AWS Partner Digital Space to migrate its patient contact center to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and deployed an automated multi-channel approach to patient communication and engagement. The innovative digital transformation of its patient waiting list management reduced waiting lists 9–14%, depending on specialty.

    • Financial Services

      Paynela Improves Data Accessibility Using generative AI With the Help of Mission

      United States

      Paynela, a Puerto Rico-based healthcare financing innovator, revolutionized patient financial assistance through cutting-edge solutions powered by AWS Partner Mission. Dedicated to making healthcare more accessible, Paynela helps patients manage their out-of-pocket medical expenses with dignity and ease. By leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Mission's expertise, Paynela harnessed the power of generative AI to analyze complex healthcare data, resulting in deeper insights and expanded patient support capabilities.

    • Healthcare

      Baptist Memorial Health Care Boosts Resilience and Performance by Migrating EHR to AWS

      United States

      Baptist Memorial Health Care (BMHC) needed a more resilient disaster recovery posture to ensure uninterrupted care to 3 million patients in three states across the mid-South. Facing challenges with its on-premises data center, including limited scalability, high maintenance costs, and the risk of outages, BMHC partnered with AWS Partner Optimum Healthcare IT to migrate the health system’s full electronic health records system to AWS. The move resulted in enhanced disaster recovery capabilities, a 20% improvement in system performance, and lower total cost of ownership—all of which enhance the organization’s ability to deliver high-quality healthcare services across 22 hospitals and more than 200 clinics.

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    • 日期
    • 培训与认证博客编辑, Invalid date
      2023 年 1 月,AWS 培训与认证在 AWS Skill Builder 上发布了 20 款数字培训产品,其中包括面向 AWS Skill Builder 订阅用户的以游戏为主要形式的 AWS Jam 之旅、针对解决方案架构师和游戏开发人员的两项新学习计划(并获得数字徽章),以及两项 AWS 认证考试的更新。
    • AWS Team, 2022-09-21
      虽然用户可以快速通过Event Bridge发送AWS Health通知,但是计划维护事件一般都在未来数天、数周,甚至数月才发生,容易被运维人员所遗忘。为了更好的提醒相关人员提前做好维护操作,我们可以通过*Amazon EventBridge*结合*Amazon SES*发送事件日历到邮箱。
    • AWS Team, 2022-08-11
      在这篇文章中,我们将详细介绍我们在使用 Amazon SageMaker 创建强大的 ML 模型方面的合作,该模型仅使用下一代测序(NGS)数据就可以检测 30 种不同的白血病亚型。
    • Julien Simon, 2021-07-26
      在 2020 年 AWS re:Invent 大会上,我们预览了 Amazon HealthLake,这是一项完全托管、符合 HIPAA 标准的服务。医疗保健和生命科学客户可以利用此服务将来自不同孤岛和不同格式的健康信息汇总到结构化的集中式 Amazon 数据湖,并通过分析和机器学习 (ML) 从这些数据中获取洞察。今天,我非常高兴地宣布,Amazon HealthLake 正式发布,可供所有 Amazon 客户使用。


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