航空航天公司需要强大的存储解决方案,以支持他们快速增长的专用集成电路(ASIC)和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计和验证工作负载。AWS 为芯片设计解决方案提供了完全托管式存储,可实现可靠性、安全性、可扩展性和灵活性。通过在 AWS 上使用这些经过优化的芯片设计存储解决方案,各个公司可以满足尖端芯片技术的性能需求。这种方法还可以帮助降低基础设施成本,并使公司能够更加专注于创新。

AWS 服务


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来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Showing results: 1-4
Total results: 4
  • 发布日期
  • Qumulo on AWS

    Qumulo’s cloud-native file system allows organizations to effortlessly move file-based applications and workloads to the public cloud.
  • WEKA® Data Platform

    The WEKA Data Platform provides a software-defined high-performance Parallel file system that combines the economics and scale of the cloud with unmatched performance. WEKA software runs on a cluster of Amazon EC2 compute instances and combines the high-performance NVMe flash storage available in those instances with low-cost Amazon S3 object storage in a single namespace. The zero-tuning architecture in the WEKA Data Platform enables users to meet the performance profile of any workload in their environment and optimize it for high I/O, high throughput, or low latency. This unique approach enables customers to affordably run their most performance-intensive workloads on AWS.
  • ONTAP for AWS

    Cloud Volumes ONTAP delivers enterprise-grade storage data control for various use cases to run file shares and block-level storage serving NAS & SAN protocols (NFS, SMB, iSCSI). Optimize costs, performance, and durability for Disaster Recovery, Microsoft Workloads, DevOps, Database workloads.
  • Pure Storage FlashBlade

    FlashBlade is the first Unified Fast File and Object Storage Platform architected to address the demands of modern applications and data in a hybrid cloud world. FlashBlade uniquely delivers the multi-dimensional performance and simplicity at scale required for infrastructure consolidation.