领先的制造商和工业组织希望减少能源支出和碳足迹,但他们大多缺乏能够发现节省机会并验证性能的工具。AWS 上的能源使用情况优化解决方案可以帮助您深入了解能耗,以确定干预措施的优先顺序。您可以跟踪能源使用情况和排放、实施有针对性的效率措施、帮助以可持续的方式降低成本,同时降低它们对环境的影响。
来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Total results: 3
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The METRON-FACTORY, METRON-CORPORATE and METRON-ENERGYLAB platforms, are a SaaS environment dedicated to Energy Management for industrial groups , that democratizes data to enable the entire company to reduce the carbon impact of their activities. -
The application connects to the manufacturing and process systems to deliver decarbonization for industrial customers. -
TCS Clever Energy™
TCS Clever Energy™ is an award-winning, enterprise-level energy and emission management system that helps commercial and industrial organizations become more sustainable, ensure energy and cost efficiency, decrease carbon emissions, and reach their carbon neutral goals.