在整个产品组合和扩展价值链中,制造商需要能够追踪其产品碳足迹(PCF),即产品从原材料开采到最终销售的温室气体排放总量。借助基于 AWS 的产品碳足迹解决方案,公司可以实现碳核算自动化并改善可持续发展工作。这些解决方案可帮助各公司管理碳核算、降低销货成本并减少产品碳足迹(PCF)。这些解决方案还有助于提高监管机构和客户的透明度。


来自 AWS 合作伙伴的软件、软件即服务或托管型服务

Showing results: 1-2
Total results: 2
  • 发布日期
  • Palantir Foundry

    Palantir Foundry empowers critical institutions of varying technical maturity to harness data throughout their operations and power their most critical decisions. Foundry provides seamless data management, analysis, and operational workflows atop a secure, extensible platform.
  • Terrascope: Build a credible pathway to Net-Zero

    Terrascope is an end-to-end decarbonisation platform that enables enterprises to measure and manage their Scope-1, Scope-2 and Scope-3 emissions across operations, supply chains, and portfolios.