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Eventos / Eventos para socios de AWS

¿Qué son los eventos para socios de AWS?

Los eventos para socios de AWS incluyen seminarios web, talleres virtuales y oportunidades presenciales de aprendizaje.



¿Quién debería asistir?

Los eventos para socios de AWS están diseñados para atraer a directores de TI, desarrolladores, científicos de datos y responsables de la toma de decisiones empresariales.

¿Por qué debería asistir?

Encontrará una variedad de eventos para socios de AWS que le inspirarán y formarán, ya sea que esté comenzando su traspaso a la nube o que esté buscando resolver nuevos desafíos empresariales.

Próximos eventos para socios de AWS

Showing results: 25-30
Total results: 98
  • Compute

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Red Hat and SolarWinds

    5 tips to master SQL Server on Linux in the Cloud

    SolarWinds, Red Hat, and AWS discuss the benefits of running SQL Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with High Availability (HA) add-on in AWS and walk through benchmarks that demonstrate leading performance of RHEL on the latest platforms to help improve performance.
    On Demand
  • Security

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: Fortinet

    New Approach to Cloud Security for Financial Services

    Many Financial Services organizations have started their migration to the cloud. But how should you approach security and development to make the most of what cloud services can offer? Fortinet and AWS can help FinServ organizations enhance their security in the cloud.

    On Demand
  • APN Partner Events

    On Demand
    AWS Partner: CoreStack

    Deep Dive into AWS-Well Architected Framework

    Learn how the AWS-Well Architected Framework empowers enterprises to build efficient cloud-based workloads and align the business for operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimization, and sustainability.

    On Demand
  • APN Partner Events

    On Demand

    Industry 4.0: How to Use IIoT and SAP Data to Gain Business Insights

    If you are retrofitting or purchasing new IT systems to remain competitive in manufacturing, a digitized, data-driven production strategy based on IIoT is critical to success. In this webinar, you will learn how Syntax’s IIoT Portal, built on AWS, enables companies to deploy, secure, and manage their devices at scale and gather data to make better business decisions.

    On Demand
  • APN Partner Events

    On Demand

    Modernizing Microsoft on AWS

    To transform and stay competitive, organizations need an IT environment that allows them to pivot quickly. To keep up with demand from stakeholders, both inside and out, many IT teams have adopted a cloud-first strategy. Nonetheless, common barriers like gaps in cloud-native skills, security, lack of operational readiness and difficulty managing costs get in the way of realizing the full potential of the cloud.

    On Demand
  • APN Partner Events

    On Demand
    Accelerating Cognos Migrations to Amazon QuickSight

    Accelerating Cognos Migrations to Amazon QuickSight

    AscentIQ is for those looking to move from IBM Cognos to Amazon QuickSight. Our framework and accelerators take the guesswork out of content assessment, estimation and also automates the redevelopment of content.

    On Demand
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Otros eventos de AWS

Ver todos los eventos de AWS

AWS organiza actividades y eventos online que reúnen a los miembros de la comunidad de la informática en la nube para que se conecten, participen y aprendan de los expertos de AWS.

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Charlas técnicas de AWS bajo demanda

Las charlas técnicas en línea de AWS son una selección de presentaciones en línea bajo demanda que abarcan una amplia gama de temas a distintos niveles técnicos. Estas charlas técnicas en línea de AWS están creadas por ingenieros y arquitectos de soluciones de AWS y contienen análisis técnicos detallados, demostraciones en directo, ejemplos de clientes y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con expertos de AWS.

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AWS Summit

Las cumbres mundiales de AWS son eventos gratuitos que reúnen a los miembros de la comunidad informática en la nube para que se conecten, colaboren y aprendan acerca de AWS. Participe en AWS Summit y averigüe de qué manera empresas de todos los tamaños están logrando agilizar el ritmo de innovación gracias a la nube

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