Frequently Asked Questions

General information for applicants

Q: What types of projects will AWS fund?

AWS will support organizations who are building culturally responsive, cloud-based solutions that advance health equity and improve health outcomes among underserved or underrepresented communities around the world. These include solutions to increase access to high-quality, culturally responsive health services, promote resilient communities by increasing access to responsive social and community support, and mitigate the impact of climate change on health and quality-of-life.

Q: Which populations are considered vulnerable, underserved and underrepresented?

Populations experiencing chronic barriers to accessing quality health services and poor health outcomes include, but are not limited to populations in low-resource settings; those who are less educated; women; children; individuals living with disabilities; racial, ethnic, sexual and religious minorities; migrants; refugees; and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Q: What are culturally responsive solutions?

Solutions that provide effective, equitable, understandable, accessible, and respectful high-quality care and services that are responsive to diverse cultural health beliefs and practices, preferred languages, health literacy and other communication needs.

Q: What kind of support is available via this program?

AWS committed an additional $20 million in funding for the Health Equity Initiative, bringing the company’s total commitment to $60 million in cloud credits over three years. Cloud credits will assist applicants in harnessing the full potential of the cloud to tackle this challenge.

Q: Is cash support available through this program?

No, cash support is not part of this program.

Q: Is technical support available through this program?

At the moment, we are unable to provide technical support through this program.

Q: Who can apply?

The program is open to accredited research institutions, research consortia, nonprofits, and private entities that are current or future AWS customers. Individuals who submit an application must apply on behalf of their organization and not in their personal capacity. AWS Partner Network (APN) members are also eligible to apply.

Q: Are government entities allowed to participate in this program?

We welcome applications from government entities and, if selected, will require confirmation from them that their participation is not prohibited or restricted by applicable laws, regulations or binding orders, including applicable ethics or procurement rules.

Q: Do I currently have to be an AWS customer to apply?

No, not at the time of application submission. Applicants will need to create an AWS account if you are accepted into the program because the program benefits include AWS Promotional Credit and AWS technical expertise.  

Q: Is this a global program?

Yes, we encourage applications from researchers and organizations around the world.

Q: Can I request AWS Promotional Credit for a pending or upcoming request for proposal (RFP)?

No, projects cannot be related to any pending or upcoming RFPs.

Application preparation and review

Q: What factors will AWS consider in determining who receives support?

We will approve applications based on factors such as: alignment with one of the four program areas; how clearly the application articulates how the project is advancing health equity for underserved or underrepresented communities; the extent you are engaging with these communities; the stage/maturity of your proposed project; plan for sustaining funding and support for your project after the 12-month award period ends; potential to disseminate the results and data through sharing a pipeline or software; applicability of AWS services within the project scope; 2-3 succinctly defined milestones; and project duration/timeline (maximum of 12 months). Successful applications will also include baseline data, measurement metrics, and clear impact outcomes in one or more of the following areas: 1) how many underserved or underrepresented individuals with improved access to health services; 2) degree or percentage to which a social determinant of health is reduced; or 3) type or amount of data to be leveraged to promote equitable and inclusive systems of care.

Any AWS Promotional Credit or technical expertise are awarded at AWS's sole discretion. Please note that the intent of this program is to support applications deployed on AWS that address the three program categories. This program does not support administrative workloads to run routine IT operations on AWS.

Q: What services are eligible for AWS Promotional Credit?

Eligible AWS service categories include AWS compute, storage, database, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, containers, robotics, quantum services, and more. You can explore AWS services and products at There are some services that are not eligible, see AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions for more details.

Q: Is an institution-provided or organization-provided email address required?

Applicants are required to provide their official institution-issued email address or official company-provided email address to expedite the verification and decision process.

Q: What are the Terms and Conditions for accepting and using AWS Promotional Credit?

Please refer to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions for details.

Q: What are the timelines for proposal submissions and decisions?

Proposal are reviewed three times a year: March 31, June 30, and November 15. Submit your application on or before each date to be considered for that review cycle. We will communicate decisions via email to individual applicants within approximately 60 business days after each application review date. For example, if you apply on or before November 15, we will send application status notifications approximately 60 business days after November 15. Note that decisions are sent from and are sometimes routed to spam. Please enable your spam filter to allow incoming emails from this address.

Q: How does the notification process work?

Applicants will receive an acknowledgement email within 48 hours confirming receipt. Applications are reviewed three times a year: March 31, June 30, November 15. We will send a notification of your application status approximately 60 business days after each application review date. For example, if you apply on or before November 15, we will send application status notifications approximately 60 business days after November 15. In the event 60 business days have passed without a notification, please contact us at, and we will provide an interim status update as soon as possible. 

Q: Will you provide a reason if my request is not approved?

Unfortunately, due to the number of applications, we are unable to provide detailed reasons on an individual basis.

Q: May I apply again if AWS does not approve my project?

Yes. You may reapply, but please make sure that new applications contain revised or additional information and are not simply a re-submission of the original proposal.

Q: If I’m selected as a program recipient, what are the next steps?

If your application is approved, before you can receive any AWS Promotional Credit and/or technical expertise, you will be required to sign a Credit Agreement. If you choose to engage an Amazon Partner Network Member or 3rd Party, they will also be required to sign a Credit Agreement. The Credit Agreement outlines the proposed project description and milestones, AWS Promotional Credit award amount, reporting schedule, your obligations related to participation in this program, and a publicity release allowing AWS to use your name and logo to identify you as a program participant. You will also be required to provide us with a valid AWS account ID. This account must be linked to an institution or company email address and account sharing must be disabled. AWS’s provision of any AWS Promotional Credit and/or technical expertise is at AWS's sole discretion.

Q: Why did I receive a lower amount of AWS Promotional Credit or a different level of technical expertise than I requested?

We may choose to award less AWS Promotional Credit or adjusted/no technical expertise levels for a number of reasons, including encouraging a different cost model leveraging Spot Instances or providing support for a smaller, initial proof of concept portion of a new project.

Acknowledging AWS

Q: How do I acknowledge AWS support for my research project work (e.g., in publications or website)?

Please acknowledge AWS in any publications or websites. Please review the AWS Trademark Guidelines and AWS Co-Marketing Tools pages for guidance. 

AWS Promotional Credit and billing

Q: Is the program a pricing discount on AWS service costs?

No. All AWS pricing is public, and applies to all customer segments. For more details on our services pricing and our pricing philosophy, please refer to the AWS pricing page.

Q: How long is AWS Promotional Credit valid?

We will issue AWS Credit with an expiration date of 12 months from when it is redeemed into the AWS account. Requests for expiration dates beyond this period will be considered on a case-by-case basis. AWS Promotional Credit is provided to applicants under the AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions.

Q: What happens when my AWS Promotional Credit expires?

We will charge any subsequent AWS services usage on the account after AWS Promotional Credit expires or you fully use the amount, to the billing method provided on the AWS account.

Q: Do AWS Promotional Credit recipients have to use an AWS account and credit card?

Yes. For new AWS customers, you will need to provide a valid credit card to activate an AWS account and redeem any AWS Promotional Credit. Subject to the AWS Promotional Credit Terms and Conditions, your credit card will not be charged fees for eligible services until you incur fees for eligible services that exceed available AWS Promotional Credit. Please be aware that some services are not eligible for AWS Promotional Credit, and you will be billed for any use of these services.